Source: Interface News

Author: Li Tong, Meng Linglian

2023 China College Entrance Examination on June 7th.After walking out of the examination room, candidates are about to face the problem of choice of reporting.The number of applicants for the college entrance examination this year reached a record high. Previously, the admission rate had declined.In the past nine years, the popularity of art professionals has become higher and higher, and the number of enrollment in engineering is steadily sitting first.In this year's college entrance examination season, clinical medicine has become the most popular major.

The number of applicants for college entrance examinations has a record high, and the admission rate in 2022 decreases by 7.8 percentage points

In 2023, the number of applicants for college entrance examinations across the country was 1.291 million, an increase of 980,000 over last year, and reached a record high.So far, the number of college entrance examinations in the country has exceeded 10 million consecutive years.

According to the estimated number of ordinary college enrollment announced by the National Bureau of Statistics over the years, the admission rate of ordinary college in 2022 was about 85%, a decrease of 7.8 percentage points from the previous year, and a decrease of below 90%.

There are more and more learning art, this year's clinical medicine professional popularity is the first

In the past nine years, engineering, management, and art are the three disciplines with the most undergraduate enrollment.Engineering and art are getting more and more popular, and the popularity of managing science is declining.From 2013-2021, the number of engineering enrollment increased by 1.7 percentage points in 9 years.During the same period, the proportion of art enrollment increased by 0.5 percentage points, and the proportion of management enrollment decreased by 3.9 percentage points.

From the perspective of specific majors, according to Baidu hot search data, the engineering majors have gradually occupied the leading position on the popular professional rankings of the college entrance examination, and the management major is slowly disappearing from the list.In recent years, the popularity of medical professionals has continued to increase. The latest data in 2023 shows that this year's clinical medical profession is the first.It can also be seen from the above-mentioned discipline enrollment data. From 2019-2021, the proportion of medical enrollment exceeds 7%, an increase of 0.45 percentage points in two years.

Engineering has dominated the most profitable major.According to the 2023 Chinese undergraduate employment report, the 10 undergraduate majors with the highest monthly income of 2022 undergraduate graduates belong to engineering.The highest is information security, with a monthly income of 7579 yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 1435), and the three professional monthly income of information engineering, data science and big data technology, and software engineering also exceeds 7,000 yuan.

Different types of colleges and universities have also shown the same trend.In the past 10 years, the searches of science and engineering universities have increased by four percentage points, the popularity of medical universities has increased by one percentage point, and the popularity of the University of Finance and Economics has decreased by two percentage points.