Hadi Awang, chairman of the Malaysian opposition party, claimed that the united government led by Prime Minister Anhua stretched out an olive branch to him and invited the Iraqi Party to join.But he said that if you join, "the government must be led by the Iraqi Party!"This caused another round of suspicion and political wrestling.These shocks are naturally slightly slightly less than the previous "turmoil rumors", but when the elections in the six states are approaching, a political ripple is still aroused.

The unity government composed of Anhua has been operating for more than half a year.

Both say: "Politics is a compromise." However, from the beginning of the Xili Deng Covenant, the political fighting between the two camps of the Pakatan Harapan and the National League has never stopped.

"Politics is the art of compromise" from Bismarck, the "iron -blood prime minister" of the German Empire.Why compromise?This just shows that politics seems to be incompatible with ideals.More pragmatic and compromise.Since the ideal is not feasible, adherence to the principle may be hit by the wall; finding a feasible and compromised solution is the right way.Therefore, in all kinds of disputes, seeking the most recognized "The Next Best" is a difficult step in compromise.

What about Malaysian politics?Why lack the spirit of compromise?

Tracing back, uncompromising confrontation politics, Mahathir is the initiator.

Remember Mahathir's abdication in 2003, did he find Abdullabada for succession?At the beginning, the two were okay, but when Abdullah was stagnant, they withdrew from multiple large national development plans, moved the Mahathirpen Party's cheese, and also put on the "Xinma Cold Bridge" plan he advocated.Mahathir did not compromise and furiously forced Abdullah, and asked him to resign and step down.

Abdullah is a gentleman who is voluntarily abdicated on the grounds of weakness.

After Najib's succession, he was disobedient. He signed a number of agreements with Singapore to withdraw the Dantan Bogu Railway Station that has been plagued for many years.case.Mahathir still did not compromise. He forced the palace for the second time, and assumed an alliance with the enemy Anhua. In the 2018 509 election, he overturned Najib's "thief government".

Come again was Anwar on November 24 last year as Prime Minister, and organized a united government including Barisan Nasional and Saudi Party.Mahathir did not give blessings and launched an attack again. He said that Anhua could not get the support of the Malay and could not manage the country's economy.Wang cooperation is to engage in confrontation and coup, in order to achieve "Sheraton 2.0".

Why does Malaysian politics lack the "compromise spirit" for always?

The political criticism generally believes that Malaysia's politics is the politics of the vested interest.Whoever came to power, he had to pull the container behind the train, dragging a lot of piles, and he couldn't get rid of it.They have to bid for the project, the shares of the Political Federation of the Political Federation, and the flags in various economic and trade fields; they have to eat, drink, and get it.

Therefore, they are unwilling to compromise.Politics?too slow.

See not the clue?Everyone wants to be king!Because of losing, the anti -corruption may be stared at, a pile of horses below may be unemployed, or the opportunity to lose engineering contracting may be looked down on the party's district department.Commentation cannot be replaced with gold, and the opportunity to continue to call the wind and rain.Therefore, compromise politics is really invalid, it is best to get down the opponent overnight and replace it.This is the tradition of "fighting politics".

See it through?As a result, the National Alliance and the Iraqi Party settled in the parliamentary seats. It was not unusual to calculate the calculation, every day, and recapture the regime every day, and recapture the power every day.

(the author is a local writer)