Source: Taiwan Newspaper

Author: Chen Jiahong

The Democratic Progressive Party's sexual show incident frequently spread, from Xu Jiatian, Cai Mulin, and even Wu Junyan. These DPP intermediate supervisors have made a common problem, that is, the feelings of the victims (complaints).In a panic, the victim did not make the victim feel that "the chief was standing on my side". In a word that is quite popular now, there is no emotion of the victim of the victim.

"Hold", it is important when dealing with sexual harassment incidents.Because the sexual showers are usually weak in the workplace or even psychological trauma, they will choose to complain, and they usually have no choice.But even so, the complaints still have a lot of worries, including "what do colleagues think of me", "Will the supervisor of my complaints be angry with the sexual shower", and "what to do after my job".Therefore, when the sexual showgirls were bravely spoken but they were not "caught", they were also asked to be small, and the loneliness, disappointment, rebound and disgust in their hearts could be imagined.

For workplace managers, sexual show is indeed a difficult thing to deal with.On the one hand, it is difficult to search for evidence. On the two aspects, the accused and the accused are employees. The latter's power in the workplace is usually relatively large, so it is blamed.However, the so -called "catching" does not mean that the sex harassment incident is in case, but it is more like a buffer zone between the complaint between the sexual show and the case.After being "caught", the victims may find more evidence of sexual show with accompaniment and discussion, and they may be brought up; but it may also be appropriately dealt withChoose back to the origin.The premise of all this is that the supervisor must be Weng Wenfang in the "candidate", so that the sexual showgers can feel reliable and supported, "we are standing on the same side."

In fact, the above statement is only a low bid for handling sexual harassment in the workplace.As early as 22 years ago, the 13th item of the Legislative Gender Work Equal Equality Law (formerly referred to as the equality of the gender work) stipulates: "When the employer knows the situation of sexual harassment, it should take immediately effective correction and remedy." The so -called so -called so -called. "The so -called so -called.""Immediately effective correction and remedial measures" is nothing more than immediately isolated from the sexual show. If the office environment is not allowed, then the sexual shower knows: "I'm staring at you, don't do it againThe same thing. "But not only the Democratic Progressive Party, looking at, how many Taiwan’ s workplace can really fulfill the provisions that have been legislated 22 years ago?

The Democratic Progressive Party continuously broke out in the workplace sexual show incident, but the workplace sexual show incident is indeed not only in the Democratic Progressive Party, but also in the political parties of the courts and the field, as well as different workplaces in Taiwan.It's just that the DPP has always been the pioneer of gender equality in Taiwan's political field, and the lethality is even more lethal.Under this premise, if the Democratic Progressive Party still exists, "Why not review the Kuomintang?" "Why not cut off Ke Wenzhe's disgust?" This kind of psychology of saving Wei Zhao will definitely not be able to escape from this wave of public opinion.If the Democratic Progressive Party wants to break away from this anti -wind, it is necessary to make itself a benchmark for Taiwan's gender and friendly workplace environment.

Since the occurrence of sexual sexual sexuality incident is highly related to the power structure of the organization, we will strive to deconstruct the existing power structure.The Democratic Proclaimed Sexual Sao Incident Secretary -General Line is a starting line. However, for many young party workers, the secretary -general is still "you".To accept the appeal of the sexual show incident, and regularly report the sexual flat incidents and implementation status to the Party Association on a regular basis, which can prevent the occurrence of sexual show incidents.

Since middle -level supervisors may think of small events because of various considerations, and neglect the complaints of the sexual showers, then establish a compulsory notification process and re -punish the supervisors of hidden cases.

Since the Democratic Progressive Party has been criticized too many "old green men" without sexual awareness for a long time, it is forced to force the central and local party workers to receive sexual equal education under the leadership of the party chairman and conduct case discussions.Through expanding participation, young party workers and senior party affairs supervisors can communicate in both directions, so that the concept of sexuality can take root in the DPP.

In just three days, Lai Qingde, chairman and presidential candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party, had apologized three times for the sexual show incident.Apology is wrong and responsible. However, for the same theme, apology is not only tired, but also an incompetent manifestation.The best way to slander Mo Ru is not to smash mud with other political parties in the face of this incident, but to pull his best to make his sexual flat standards higher.Only when the DPP has done it by itself, public opinion can go back and ask: What about other political parties?Are these political parties have no sexuality incident?Isn't it really or deliberately covering up?The Democratic Progressive Party has done this, should I keep up with others?

This is a rare "flat -sex moment" in Taiwan over the past few decades.After facing so many in -party sex incidents, Lai Qingde could only work hard to welcome this wave of #Metoo, which is also his unswerving responsibility.