Source: United Daily

Author: Hong Qiuxin

The Political Edition of the Democratic Progressive Party ’s party worker has been disclosed by sexual shows #Metoo, such as Star Fire.

The Democratic Progressive Party chairman Lai Qingde recently claimed that "no need to focus on the big situation". It seems that the victim was exported by the fact that the victim and the competent unit advised the "focus on the overall situation" and encouraged the victims to say that encountering encountersEssenceHowever, at this time, it should be "focusing on the overall situation": to gain the trust of the people, and to retrieve the overall situation of the ruling party and the government's prestige.This is not only what Lai Qingde should be considered as the chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party, but also uses the posture of Taiwan ’s Vice President to take care of the people.

Not only is sexual harassment cases, many officials in Green Camp have suspected and fraud cases.The screws of the government's operation are loose; the constant fraud incidents are more endangering the people's lives and property.What's wrong with the government and the DPP?Sexual shows and fraud have emerged endlessly. Officials have violated the law and corrupted officials. In seven years, whether the people have allowed the DPP to "occasionally" for too long, so that "absolute power makes people absolutely corrupted."

Recently, the IG net red noodle bag admits to fake pancreatic cancer for up to three years.The chemotherapy photos of the noodle bags are all fake. It has been sharing the anti -cancer process as a patient for a long time. The inspirational performance is moving, but its behavior not only hurts the family, but also causes secondary damage to the patients.

The Democratic Progressive Party has been calling for the progress of progress in the progress of women's rights and gender rights like a bag. It has won the trust of the people and believes that it will make Taiwan better.However, the party broke out in the case of disregard and eating the case of sexual show. The victims must not only bear the threat of the victims, appeal to the supervisor, but they were persuaded to use the "big situation as the focus" to forbearance and continued to be symbiotic structure of the power relationship within the party in the party.For the formation of workplace bullying.Related incidents make the people's trust in the DPP, as if they were deceived by the fraud group.

The treatment of sexual flat issues and sexual shows cannot be placed out of the matter, because the implicit "national system" can truly respect, tolerate different gender, ethnic, class, age, and even evenOpinions exist, and let Taiwan improve together.

Vice President Lai and its activities to issue "adult gifts" to the Ministry of Culture to promote young votes.It is expected that there will be no more meaning of the next victim, which will become more meaningful.