Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Yangdu

Luo Dayou has an orphan of Asia. In order to escape the song inspection of the news bureau, it also added to Vietnamese refugees and the like, but everyone who hear it knew that it was describing Taiwan.However, this article wants to talk about another Asian.Recently read Zhang Chengzhiya's articles, and I felt very deep.Have a completely different experience in Asia.

Zhang Chengzhi's discussion is to retrieve the subjectivity of Asia.He believes that the current view of Asia is mainly defined by European colonists.Centered on Europe, so it is named "Near East", and then "Middle East" and "Far East".However, before the 15th century, when the Islamic civilization was prosperous, when the Ottoman Turkish Empire was still strong, the entire Islamic world was between China and Europe, namely West Asia, South Asia, and Central Asia.They constitute the bridge between Chinese civilization and the Western world, the channel of the ancient Silk Road, and the middle area of the civilization meeting.From another perspective, it is also a protective umbrella for Chinese civilization.

It was until the end of the 15th century. Since the beginning of the Great Navigation, Portugal took the lead in acne in Africa to enter the Indian Ocean, and opened a new era.Since then, colonialism has been fully carried out from Europe. Except for remote island countries, Japan has not been colonized, and finally evolved into Asian invaders.

However, after the Japanese and Russian war, Japan was not a non -vision. They realized that the imperialist aggression against Asia, so they proposed Great Asianism.They support Gandhi, India, against the British colonial empire; support Sun Yat -sen, and help him escape from raising revolutionary funds.Sun Yat -sen also had this idea, but he saw the problem of Japanese great Asianism earlier.In the speech of Kobe in 1924, he had made it clear: "Your Japanese nation has obtained the domineering culture of Europe and the United States and the essence of the Asian king culture. From now on, the future of world culture is a western domineering eagle dog.Or do the dry city of Oriental King, just choose carefully in your Japanese citizens. "

Unfortunately, Japan finally took the banner of "king", invading the domineering militarism, was trapped in the Chinese battlefield, and eventually defeated the two atomic bombs in the United States.

Reunion this paragraph is Sun Yat -sen's speech. In Western Asia, Turkey, which repeatedly mentioned, has gradually become a strong country, and Persia, Arabia, Afghanistan, etc. are also emerging.EssenceAnd if you look at this perspective, instead of just looking at Japan's Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, etc., the current situation seems to have different vision.

Simply put, the United States has an alliance with Japan and South Korea in East Asia to build the island chain, but China has gradually moved towards Central Asia and West Asia. It uses railway transportation networks to build a new Asian map that cannot be surrounded by Europe and the United States.Is this closer to the "Great Asianism" that Sun Yat -sen expected?These Asian countries, especially Afghanistan, Arabia, Turkey, Iran, etc., which one has not been tossed by Britain and the United States, but is now working hard to clean up.When China pulls Arabia and Iran, after seven years of cracks, the reconstruction of diplomatic relations is a decisive change on the influence of the Middle East and China and the United States.

Isn't such a big Asian vision and layout, isn't the United States the most worried?Especially in China to improve relations with Russia, Central Asian countries have met in Xi'an. On the surface, the American media laughed at this small meeting in China to fight against G7.Great strategy?So why is the island chain played by the United States in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea?Judging from a relatively strategic point of view, the deeper the United States is trapped in East Asia, the less effort to Central Asia and West Asia. It is not exactly a gap for China to let them go to the Asian continental layout.

I don't know if strategic experts in Europe and the United States have seen this.But looking back at Great Asianism in the early 20th century, it feels very interesting.Yes, we are too easy to be taken away by the views of the American media, and forgot to have the vast continent in Asia.This broad continent has the contradiction between China and Russia without being easy to connect. Now China and Russia have been allianceed by the United States. More railways connect China with Central Asia, West Asia, and South Asia.What is the situation?

The preliminary observation is: Look at it, the Asian pattern has changed, and the world has changed.