One of the most striking events in the near future is that China has rejected the U.S.'s suggestion to hold the two -nation's defense talks during the Shangri -La dialogue.Previously, the United States also trapped the first batch of "thorns" air defense missiles to Taiwan, and the Chinese fighter J-16 J-16 intercepting the relationship between the US military RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft in South China.This series of incidents must be placed in the context of the entire international pattern and the overall game of China and the United States in order to interpret the meaning.

Although the United States and allies occupy an absolute advantage in economic and military forces, under the current situation of the Russia -Ukraine War's victory and defeat, there are still three major concerns about China.

One is to worry that China will provide weapons and equipment to Russia on a large scale; the other is to worry that China will form a military alliance with Russia; the third is Wu Tong Taiwan.This is the three major chips between China and the United States and the West, and it is also the main source of explaining the current series of Sino -US and China -Europe diplomatic incidents.

German Prime Minister Tsold, French President Macron, and the Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin visited China one after another, showing that Europe was willing to cooperate with China to a certain extent. In Macron's words: "Dialogue with China is important, Can't let Russia and China a exclusive dialogue. "The implication is that it cannot be watched to watch that China has passed by Russia, let alone push China to Russia.China also hopes that Europe will be self -reliance on the United States. Both sides have their own needs. Beijing must not be trapped in the intoxication of the "Xiyi Lai Dynasty".

The role of peaceful mediation of the Russian and Ukraine War is of great significance to China. After all, for more than a hundred years, a Asian country has appeared for the first time to mediate the European War, which is also an important sign of China's rise.Although the United States and Europe are unhappy, they can only express acceptance.Because the "peace medal person" must act in accordance with the role logic, hold a fair and neutral position, you must not stand and favors a certain party, let alone provide weapons and equipment to a party.This is exactly what the United States and Europe want.

From the perspective of the peaceful conditions of Ukraine and Russia, all parties understand that the mediation cannot be successful, but the mediation posture is much more important than the mediation results.

Russia is unhappy, and it is impossible to form an alliance with military weapons and equipment.China has become a peaceful mediation person and naturally helps Russia to solve the difficulties, but it also raises the golden cicada shell from the "unlimited cooperation", getting rid of the huge risk of providing weapons and alliances.Therefore, when the mediation is invalid, don't think that Bai is busy, many houses are stealing fun!

In addition, don't complain about China's slippery heads. Russian President Putin has set a place for Sino -Russian relations earlier.At a economic forum in 2019, when the reporter asked how to treat the Sino -US trade war, Putin replied: "Two tigers fight, smart monkeys will wait and see on the tree." The communication is always equal, not to mention that the medium mediation is far compared withWatching tiger fighting in the mountains is much more interesting.

In addition to the spread of Europe, look at the Asia -Pacific side, the United States has been authorized by the Bayeng Government to authorize the Indo -Pacific Command Akui Nelino for the possible "martial arts".It is extreme deterrence.The United States knows that the purpose of deterrence is to avoid itself from being involved in war. This may become the weakness of China. It must use extreme military deterrence to show China to show its determination to participate in the war.

The US Extreme Military deterrence performance is as follows: After winning the long -term tap of South Korea and the Philippines, the diplomatic achievements quickly transformed the diplomatic achievements into military advancement, adding four military bases in the Philippines to curb the exports of the bus cashi;Nuclear submarines are stationed in South Korea and arrived at the gate of the Central State.At the same time, more than 200 U.S. instructors were sent to Taiwan. The 500 million US dollars of weapons and the first batch of "poisonous thorn" missiles in Taiwan arrived in Taiwan. The advanced weapons were built in Taiwan.

In addition to the above -mentioned military extreme deterrence, it also implements the "small courtyard wall" strategy that has long -term curbing China's high -tech development.The U.S. Congress passed the chip and science bill to make up the "chip Quartet Alliance" to combat the mainland semiconductor chip manufacturing industry, trying to obtain the absolute advantage of China's high -tech and weapons and equipment in the future.

Everything goes well, and China seems to be helpless except for anger, because although China has three major chips in hand, it is a "risk bargaining chip". The risk is almost equivalent to the income, and it may even exceed the income.If the Chinese and Russian military alliances are formed, that is, the outbreak of the world war, regardless of whether it is righteous and evil, the lesson of the two world wars is that the weak side of the team is equal to the funeral.Therefore, in the face of the US limit pressure, in addition to being helpless and angry, China is helpless and angry.As a result, the Chinese fighter aircraft over the South China Sea intercepted the US reconnaissance aircraft and refused to talk to the US defense ministers at the Shangri -La venue.China can only show such resistance, everything is in line with realistic logic.Perhaps when Li Shangfu, who was appointed by the US sanctions, did not want to deal with the U.S. military. What the result of the proud side and the very angry party can talk about?It is better to spend time and energy on planning.

While the United States is under pressure on the extreme military, it also wants to control this pressure. There is a problem of controlling the dominance of Sino -US relations. China refuses to talk about the meaning of refusing to transfer dominance.In addition, it is obviously insulting without relieving the sanctions on Li Shangfu, and China will not accept it. The United States feels that the sanctions are relieved, so there is no face -to -face talk.This also shows that the talks between the Sino -U.S.

As for the US Secretary of State Brillin, the Secretary of State Brosky called for military communication and the defense ministers Austin to continue to feel very regrettable. That was a play in the field, pretending that the United States failed once, comforting the Chinese side to avoid the Chinese side or even the limit action;Moreover, China needs to continue to play a "peace mediation person" on the European stage!

Sino -US, Sino -Western relations are roughly the same, and they are temporary. It can leverage this temporary stalemate situation. The most direct leverage may be the process of the Russian and Uchia war situation.