May 27th is Henry Kissinger's 100th birthday.In this special day with commemorative significance, Kissinger talked about the Crimean and Taiwan issues in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.He said: "Ukraine should not try to recover Crimea, because Crimea and Sevastopol have never belonged to Ukraine in history. For Russia, losing the region will be a blow.Will be threatened. "

Kissinger is a legendary figure on the international stage. It has excellent achievements in peace and diplomacy, including promoting the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and China, eased the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union, and achieved the end of the Vietnam War.1973 Nobel Peace Prize.However, in the ownership of Crimea, Kissinger's cognition not only violated reality, but also separated from historical truth and trajectory, and was too far away from the consistent diplomatic insights and thinking.

History is a long river, which requires time and segment, so it depends on when it is history.Secondly, Crimea has never belonged to Ukraine in history, and it is not in line with historical facts.More importantly, history can only be reviewed and referenced, and can be respected, but reality needs to cherish and obey.

There is no rule, not a square.Today, the establishment and establishment of the country and the normal relationship between the country and the country are formed based on the international order of the UN Charter and the widespread recognition of countries around the world after World War II.Never talk about, rejection, and rejection, neither can you talk about yourself, nor can you do it yourself.Otherwise, just as A Q repeatedly said, "our ancestors have been widened", just virtual and dream.

Even if you want to talk about history, you must respect historical facts and truths.Even if you do not look at the far history, Crimea is not Russia.Judging from the name of Crimea, it is derived from the "Krim" and the earliest name of the king of Khan; the earliest name of Crimea is Cosalia, because CrimeaPeople have lived there, it was in the 8th century AD.

The aboriginal people who settled in the Crimean Peninsula were the Celtics of the 7th century BC. After that, the Skai people began to crowd out the Celtics. There are only a few in the mountainous areas.The Celtics stay.Therefore, from first to see, Crimea should belong to the Celtics and Skyt.

Since then, Crimea's sovereignty is easy to hand.In 438 BC, Crimea established a country called the Kingdom of Bosptirus; in 15 BC, the Crimean Peninsula became an affiliated country of the Roman Empire.Since then, Crimea has been occupied by Gothians in 250 AD, Hungarian in 376 AD, the 8th Century Kosa entered, the occupation of the Empire of the Empire in 1016, and the Mongolian Empire occupied in 1237.From 1478 to 1700, Crimea Khan was a subsidiary of the Ottoman Empire.In 1783, Russia included the entire Crimean Peninsula into the territory.

Therefore, before the end of the 18th century, Crimea was neither Russia nor Ukraine.

In December 1917, the Crusades established the Crimean People's Republic. In March 1918, the Bolshevik occupied Crimea and overthrew the Crimean People's Republic.In April, the Germans captured the entire territory of Crimea, abolished the Soviet regime, and classified Crimea to Ukraine.After the end of the First World War, Crimea was regained by the Soviet Union in 1919.

From a historical perspective, Crimea not only belongs to Russia, but also belongs to Ukraine, but the latter has a short time.Despite the long time in Russia's occupation of Crimea, Crimea has gained new belonging in modern times according to the UN Charter and a series of international treaties, which belongs to Ukraine.

On February 19, 1954, under the leadership of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at the time, the Soviet Supreme Soviet Presidium passed a resolution to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Ukraine and Russia to sign the Treaty of Pedleasravle Treaty on the 300th anniversaryNominal, let Crimea leave Russia and under the jurisdiction of Ukraine.This was after World War II, Crimea officially attributed to Ukraine in the legal sense, and there was no objection to the international community.

On December 21, 1991, the leaders of the 11 Republics of the Soviet Union (except the Baltic State and Georgia) of the Soviet Union jointly signed the Aramu Declaration to confirm the relevant agreements signed by Russia, Ukraine, and White Ross.Acknowledge and respect each other's sovereignty and sovereignty, do not interfere with each other, do not use force and force threats to resolve disputes, recognize and respect each other's principles such as territorial integrity and existing boundaries.This means the independent Ukraine inheritance and owns Crimean sovereignty.

Another legal agreement that confirms the belonging of Crimea is the Treaty of Urpine and Russia's friendly partnerships signed by the U.S. and Russia in 1997.It clearly stipulates that the Crimean Peninsula belongs to Ukraine. The two countries acknowledge the Russian and Ukraine borders divided by the Soviet Union, respect each other's territorial integrity, and agree to resolve all disputes through peaceful ways.At the same time, the Black Sea Fleet of Russia is allowed to rent the port of Crimea in Crimea for 20 years.Therefore, Crimea's belonging to Ukraine has both public opinion and the United Nations Charter and Law.

However, on February 27, 2014, the Russian masked forces occupied Crimea without badges.On March 16, under the intimidation of the Russian Army's guns, Ukraine ’s autonomous Republic and southern Port Caspopor were held in the Ukraine Autonomous Republic and the southern port.Most (97%) voters in favor of Julu into Russia.

However, the principle of a referendum is that under the consent of the sovereign state, it can only be carried out under the consent of the sovereign state.However, Russian -led referendum is under the approval and consent of Ukraine under the threat of force.Therefore, the UN General Assembly held a plenary session on March 27, 2014 to pass a resolution on the complete issue of Ukrainian territory.The resolution confirmed that the "Dali -Entry Russia" referendum held on March 16, the city of Krimia, Ukraine, and the southern port of Caavatopol was invalid.The draft resolution was passed with 100 votes in favor, 11 votes against, and 58 votes abstaining.

The reason given to

The resolution is that according to Article 2 of the United Nations Charter, in the international relations, various countries do not threaten or use force to infringe the territorial integrity or political independence of any country, and resolve the dispute through peaceful means.On March 16th, votes held in the Crimean Autonomous Republic and Caavatopol, without Ukraine's approval, were invalid and could not become the status of the Crimean Autonomous Republic and the Saavaco City status.Base.The resolution urged all countries, international organizations, and specialized agencies to not acknowledge any changes in the status of Crimean Autonomous Republic and Cravatopol on the basis of these two voting.

If Kissinger understands the history of modern Russia and Crimea, and a more ancient history, you can understand that according to the UN Charter and the Soviet era's Crimean sovereign ownership, as well asAfter the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Crimea belonged to Ukraine today.

Using "Crimea has never belonged to Ukraine in history", which does not meet the true rhetoric of history to deny Ukraine's sovereignty over Crimea, it is not only the invasion of Ukraine and slaughtering Ukraine people Zhangmu for Russia, but alsoIt is to help the abuse.

(the author is Beijing scholar)