Laughing: Normal society will never tolerate the duplication of tragedy.Once the tragedy occurs, the power of the whole society should reflect on the accountability.

The title of a title is "Please kill the culprit of the vaccine incident to thank the world", which is widely circulated on the Internet.It is not difficult to see the author's anger from the title.I have also had this anger. I just read the report of the "King of Vaccine" when I first read the vaccine incident. An idea immediately floated to my mind: kill!Don't kill without heaven, don't kill or resolve hatred.

But my murderousness did not last long.Because I suddenly remembered that I didn't kill Andmdash; Andmdash; in 2007, the former director of the State Food and Drug Administration Zheng Xiaoyu was sentenced to death for bribery.But what about Zheng Xiaoyin?In the field of food and drug supervision, there is no scandal?It is true to apply a so -called martyr's poem: And "It doesn't matter, as long as the silver is true. Kill me one, there are later people. Anandrdquo;

I understand this truth, in fact, most people understand."Please kill the vaccine incident to thank the world.". Our people do not dare to point their finger at D and ZF.andrdquo; we cannot point to And "D and ZFANDRDQUO; and have to anger companies and individuals.In fact, it is an extreme form of irony.

Immediately, intensive responses from various places: On the 23rd, the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and "immediately Andrdquo; held the Standing Committee to follow up; on the same day, the Shandong Commission for Discipline Inspection stated that it would be checked to find Andhellip; Andhellip;

The police also quickly Andrdquo; according to the requirements of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, at 15 pm on the 23rd, the Changchun New District Public Security Branch announced the investigation.The famous executive was detained. It was really angry at the table, Thunder Wan Jun. Gao Junfang and others finally landed. This probability cannot be completely eliminated.


Obviously, the so -called vaccine problem is essentially regulatory problem.Regulatory issues are the issue of government responsibility and institutional responsibility.Just anger the enterprise and individual, and the "vaccine incident's spear head cannot point to D and Zfandrdquo;, that is, the government and the accountability system are not allowed. Of course, it is not justified.Manufacturing problem.

And "Vaccine incident's spearhead cannot point to D and ZFANDRDQUO;, this is itself a problem. Whenever public safety incidents broke out, the primary consideration is the government's own gains and losses, the system's own gains and losses, not the public interest, not for public security and possibleMajor threats. It is based on this instinctual consideration that events that originally belonged to the category of public safety, quickly upgraded to stability -stable events, and stabilized and overwhelmed everything.

The original intention is not to let the spear head point to itself, avoid government responsibility and system responsibility, and actually gets more and more into the whirlpool without being unable to extricate themselves.This has long been a routine of crisis response, and it has tried it repeatedly.From the melamine incident in 2008, to the 2010 Shanxi vaccine incident, to today's vaccine incident, it can be said that it can be inherited.

In fact, there is no other choice.At least two crisis responses, relatively wise and success, can be called highlights.

One time in 2003 and the later response of "SARS Incident andrdquo;


There is a famous saying that people cannot step into the same river twice.In this way, the society is also resurrected, and the governance system of society is also resumed.Under any society or any governance system, it is impossible to avoid tragedy, but any normal society or an effective governance system will never tolerate the recurrence of tragedy.Once a tragedy, that is, the power of the whole society must reflect on the accountability, and never let go of any responsibility, and never leave any dead ends.Each sacrifice is exchanged for the greatest progress.

There is no doubt that the cycle of the governance itself is a proof of governance defeat and a proof of social defeat.In short, stay away from the proof of normal society.Unfortunately, China is in such a historical process. The typical manifestation is that the continuous repetition of tragedy can even experience generations.Not only is the tragedy mode that is in harmony, but the mode of dealing with tragedy is also the same.Each response is to maintain stability. Each response is settled. When it is put on, each response is cope, and it is irresponsible.The biggest feature is to refuse to reflect on accountability, because any reflection accountability may involve government responsibilities and institutional responsibilities.Therefore, each response cannot really go to the problem, but the main force is used to solve the person who raises the problem.

Originally, the crisis was both crisis and organic.That is, as mentioned above, every disaster in normal society can be exchanged for the greatest progress, and it can be confused by a thorough reflection.The biggest problem in the maintenance mode, or the most terrible thing is that because of fear and reflection of accountability, each time I miss the opportunity to reflect on accountability, and miss the opportunity to truly solve problems.Those who ask questions are constantly solved, and the problem itself exists, no matter how many times the tragedy occurs.The end of each tragedy is nothing more than the beginning of the cycle of chaos.No matter how much sacrifice, you can't make progress, no matter how much tuition is paid.The regime is permanent and the system is permanent, but the generation and one generation is the cost, and the generation and one generation are 蹉.

In terms of the response of the vaccine crisis, there is no other choice.In the past, the two enlightened cases in history were there, and it can be further developed on the basis of this, abandoning traditional stability maintenance mode, and creating a more open, transparent and fair response mechanism.If the Huwen era shifted from enlightenment to stability and response, there was a last resort, that is, to a certain extent, because of the right to regulate the water management of Kowloon, then under the conditions of the Jiulong's water management, it is said that under the condition that it is said to be set.It is the direction, using this as a breakthrough, expanding the results of the war, and gradually changing the system, so as to truly surpass the predecessors.

In my opinion, in addition to the core elements of the two enlightened responses in the Huwen era, which is open media reports, there are at least four points of response, which can be tried:

First, the National People's Congress organization includes a third -party independent investigation including the National People's Congress, members of the CPPCC, public health experts, legal persons, and media people. The investigation process is open to society and the investigation report is announced to the society.Instead of self -examination of the government.

The second is the unlimited accountability of not being capped, not only the administrative accountability of relevant government agencies and responsible persons, but all legal responsibilities involved in judicial intervention and independent trials.

The third is to encourage the victims to litter collectively, instead of the off -laws actually closed the victims, forcing the victims to enter the journey, turning the victim into unstable factor, and becoming the object of stability.

The fourth is punitive compensation, not a symbolic punishment of three cups of wine.Only by punitive compensation and let the infringers fall into the family, can the infringement really stop the infringement.The symbolic punishment of three cups of wine is undoubtedly encouraging infringement.

The core of the above types is the rule of law and humanity.According to this, this incident has a lot of opportunities to become the starting point of China to go to the rule of law and humanity, and truly create a brand new era.But at least in terms of the current situation, no hope can be seen.And do not talk about whether third -party independent investigations, open media reports, unlimited accountability, collective lawsuit, and punitive compensation can be done. Even the government's self -inspection promised by Li Keqiang is currently difficult.There is no following.Japanese media NHK reported on July 24 that "although Chinese President Leaders and the Prime Minister of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council, Li Keqiang appeared one after another, saying that it was severely punished. However, the Chinese government really spared no effort to extinguish it.The government's inaction. Anandrdquo; Covering the lid is still overwhelming all tasks, the black hole caused by covering the lid, and the collective distrust and social panic of the information black hole stimulus.

But the problem is that the stability maintenance response mode is unchanged, but the tragedy is not simply repeated, but more complicated.The vaccine crisis covered a wide range, far beyond the past Sichuan -Zhen students' death incident, past melamine incident, and past vaccine incidents.The parents of the dead students in the Sichuan earthquake are limited to the first of Sichuan; the melamine incident, the victim is limited to the bottom.The vaccine incident in 2010 is limited to Shanxi.But this time, the incident is the monopoly enterprise Changchun Changsheng and WuSymptoms of punishment are undoubtedly encouraging infringement.

The core of the above types is the rule of law and humanity.According to this, this incident has a lot of opportunities to become the starting point of China to go to the rule of law and humanity, and truly create a brand new era.But at least in terms of the current situation, no hope can be seen.And do not talk about whether third -party independent investigations, open media reports, unlimited accountability, collective lawsuit, and punitive compensation can be done. Even the government's self -inspection promised by Li Keqiang is currently difficult.There is no following.Japanese media NHK reported on July 24 that "although Chinese President Leaders and the Prime Minister of the State Council of the State Council of the State Council, Li Keqiang appeared one after another, saying that it was severely punished. However, the Chinese government really spared no effort to extinguish it.The government's inaction. Anandrdquo; Covering the lid is still overwhelming all tasks, the black hole caused by covering the lid, and the collective distrust and social panic of the information black hole stimulus.

But the problem is that the stability maintenance response mode is unchanged, but the tragedy is not simply repeated, but more complicated.The vaccine crisis covered a wide range, far beyond the past Sichuan -Zhen students' death incident, past melamine incident, and past vaccine incidents.The parents of the dead students in the Sichuan earthquake are limited to the first of Sichuan; the melamine incident, the victim is limited to the bottom.The vaccine incident in 2010 is limited to Shanxi.However, this time, the incident was a monopoly enterprise Changchun Changsheng and Wuhan creatures. The problem of vaccines flowed into the country, including Beijing, no place to divide the north and south, and there were no victims of the problem vaccine.

Because of this, upgrading the public safety crisis into a stability maintenance incident must not help but pay a higher cost than ever.Covering the lid may be effective, but the damage to government credit and institutional credit will be unprecedented.Avoiding the current accountability and the current damage, but at the expense of long -term and fundamental damage, it is not that the two hazards are light, but the power of the two harms.It is the worst and worst choice.But it seems that it is impossible to have other choices, and the ending is difficult to exceed.Every time I miss the opportunity to completely reflect on accountability and regret completely, each time is the most unwise and worst choice to occupy the upper hand, but every time, I exacerbate the dependence on the traditional stability maintenance model.The development of this trend will only push China to a greater cycle of governance.

And this may be the biggest disaster and the biggest danger.Who knows Yi Yu's bottom?

(Note: The author is an independent scholar. This article only represents the author's personal point of view.