Although Trump promoted the US -Europe Agreement as a major breakthrough, Europe has not made much substantial commitments, not to mention that peace may be broken by Trump's repeated impermanence.


U.S. President Donald andBull; Trump (Donald Trump) and the EU (EU) reached a trade war in the White House Rose Garden. In the short term, the cross -Great Western trade war was upgraded.The welcome of people.However, the long -term peace is still far away from the United States and Europe, and this peace is also easily broken by the repeated impermanence of the US President.

On Wednesday Trump and the European Union's Jean-Cloud Andbull;The barriers were discussed and worked together to reform the World Trade Organization (WTO).

This is a victory for Juncker. According to the agreement, the two parties will suspend any new tariffs during the discussion period, including Trump threatened 20%of tariffs on imported cars.However, for Trump, in addition to a short -term political victory when he was criticized by domestic trade policies, he was unclear what he could get.

Trump and his assistants soon began to publicize the agreement as a major breakthrough and proof of the rationality of Trump's tough trade policy.

Trump said to the audience on Thursday: And "farmers, we have just opened the door of Europe for you. You will not be angry with Trump. Anandrdquo; Trump's words cover up the words to cover upThere is a fact that Andmdash; Andmdash; the US -Europe agreement this week has not made any commitments to extensively discuss agricultural products.

Many analysts have more reactions.

And "In the best case, this will allow us to return (the United States' newly levied on steel and aluminum) before the state before June 1 this year). Anandrdquo;W Bush) Trade consultant and now serve Philipo and Global AFFFAIRS; Philip Levy said, and "This is not a great achievement.Andrdquo;

European officials participating in the US -Europe meeting held on Wednesday in the White House came with low expectations.Those who participated in the discussion or listened to the discussion situation said that before the meeting, Trump's assistants conveyed a contradictory signal.It is thought that the US trade representative Robert andBull; Robert Lighthizer and other eagle people have adopted a tough route, and the National Economic Council director Larry Kudlow, the director of the National Economic Commission, respects freedom of freedom.Trade people have proposed the possibility of reaching an agreement.

But Trump quickly declared that he wanted to finalize an agreement, which surprised the Europeans.The two sides set up a joint statement of one -page length in less than 3 hours. This statement formulated a plan for further promotion of discussions and ceasefire.

When Trump announced the incident, the EU promised to purchase more American soybeans and LNG (LNG) to make articles.European officials said on Thursday that what the European Union delegation did was to state the reality of the global market to the US President.

The EU itself does not buy soybeans or natural gas.After China ’s soybeans, which were native to the United States and decided to buy it from Brazil, the price of American soybeans fell, which caused European private buyers to start buying more American soybeans.

A European official on Thursday said: And "we have not moved towards the Soviet -style economic model, it is the power of the market (which causes purchase to become more). Anandrdquo;

Similarly, in terms of liquefied natural gas, European companies have been establishing new terminals and infrastructure, and for many years, it has been promoting the purchase of more US natural gas to hebo some EU member states' dependence on Russia in energy.EU officials advocate that the main obstacles to the import of more natural gas in the United States are the restrictions on exports of the United States.

Trump has sufficient reasons to reach an agreement.He has been facing pressure from American companies, farmers and other Republicans, and they are worried that Trump's trading warfare will harm the economy.At present, Trump has not yet implemented a trade agreement he promised and has been revised sharply.

To a certain extent, this is because Trump will quickly dismiss the trade agreement set by his deputy in the future, such as US Finance Minister Steven andBull; Steven Mnuchin and US Secretary of Commerce WeiThe protocols that Wilbur Ross has been finalized.

In May of this year, Trump met with Liu He, the highest economic special envoy of the Chinese leader in the oval office, and the two sides had talks.A few days later, Washington announced that because the Beijing side promised to purchase more American soybeans and other agricultural products, natural gas and crude oil, the United States will "put on Andrdquo; trade war with China.

A few days after criticizing Trump's criticism of China for being too weak in China, the agreement was overturned.

China is a powerful opponent in the United States, and the European Union is the United States. Therefore, compared with the US -China trade, the political meaning of the US -Europe trade is very different.However, experts warn that even if it is only limited in the field of industrial products, the implementation of a cross -Atlantic trade agreement is likely to be very complicated.

Anthony Gardner, who had served as Anthony Gardner, who had served as Angbull, the US ambassador to the European Union in the Obama administration, said the agreement announced this week was an Andrdquo;

Kadner said that during the TPP negotiations that were launched in 2013 and have been frozen now, the European Union and the United States had agreed to cancel tariffs on 97%of products, so this goal can be achieved.However, considering that there are many political sensitive factors in the United States itself, eliminating non -tariff barriers is an and "imagination andrdquo;

The promise of the United States and Europe's cooperation to promote the WTO reform and "people are willing to hear, and it is fully in line with logic andrdquo; Gedner said," but "but this is exactly exactly that the government has so far destroyed the WTO from the inside.Contradicate.Andrdquo;

A few days after criticizing Trump's criticism of China for being too weak in China, the agreement was overturned.

China is a powerful opponent in the United States, and the European Union is the United States. Therefore, compared with the US -China trade, the political meaning of the US -Europe trade is very different.However, experts warn that even if it is only limited in the field of industrial products, the implementation of a cross -Atlantic trade agreement is likely to be very complicated.

Anthony Gardner, who had served as Anthony Gardner, who had served as Angbull, the US ambassador to the European Union in the Obama administration, said the agreement announced this week was an Andrdquo;

Kadner said that during the TPP negotiations that were launched in 2013 and have been frozen now, the European Union and the United States had agreed to cancel tariffs on 97%of products, so this goal can be achieved.However, considering that there are many political sensitive factors in the United States itself, eliminating non -tariff barriers is an and "imagination andrdquo;

The promise of the United States and Europe's cooperation to promote the WTO reform and "people are willing to hear, and it is fully in line with logic andrdquo; Gedner said," but "but this is exactly exactly that the government has so far destroyed the WTO from the inside.Contradicate.Andrdquo;

The situation may be different this time: those agreements in the United States in the past were reached by Trump's assistants, and this agreement was basically a masterpiece of Trump himself.

Translator/Xu Xing