Northern Remember

For the trade dispute, the US President Trump, a trading partner, reached a & ldquo; on Wednesday, he reached a suspension agreement & rdquo; on Wednesday.During the trade negotiations, the two parties were suspended to increase new punitive tariffs, and declared that they would work together to achieve zero tariffs on non -automotive industrial products. Europe will expand imports of liquefied natural gas and soybeans in the United States.

This time came a bit of a sudden & ldquo; The armistice agreement & rdquo; let the United States and Europe pull back from the edge of the Cross -Atlantic trade war, but for China, it is not a good news.

Just last week, the European Union and Japan signed a historic & ldquo; Economic Partnership Agreement & RDQUO; (EPA).This is widely of the free trade agreement that will take effect next year. In the end, almost all tariffs will be canceled and one of the world's largest free trade zones will be canceled.This is also the largest -scale trade agreement reached by the European Union through negotiations. The EU and Japan's economic scale account for 30%of the total global economy.

After the EPA was officially signed on the 17th of Japan and Europe, after passing the strong attitude of opposition to trade protectionism, some comments asked & ldquo; who did the Japanese and European Free Trade Agreement be hit?& rdquo;, interpreted it as Japan & ldquo; to create the United States' anti -& rdquo;, when Trump promoted & ldquo; the United States preferred & rdquo; exercised unilateralism, Japan and the European Union got rid of their dependence on the United States.

The words are just ascending. As the European Union also spoke with the United States this week, the pressure suddenly concentrated on the side of China. The new worry is especially whether this will be the formation of a new united front. China has become the US -Japan -Europe trade circle outside.One member.For the United States, shelving trade disputes with Europe allows the United States to focus on China.Earlier, China tried to attract Europe to fight against the United States' trade protectionism. The reality is that the European Union also hopes to use the United States to solve the UN & ldquo; unfair trade & rdquo;

The U.S. and European words not only mean that the idea of China & ldquo; Oling Europe's anti -US & rdquo;, the bad sign is that the US -China trade war will be more likely to upgrade.Of course, according to Trump's multi -end style of acting, the US -Europe trade off -war war is not on the board. It is not impossible for the United States to repeat it soon, but the greater probability is that the United States first uses the reconciliation with the EU to increase confrontation with China.Chips.The White House just announced on Tuesday that it provided US farmers with $ 12 billion (S $ 16.3 billion) & ldquo; Trade war subsidy & rdquo; & mdash; & mdash;The fixing action done in the mid -term election is also a preparation for Trump for the long -lasting war & rdquo;Faced with your own ticket warehouse & mdash; & mdash; American agricultural state was selected by China as the object of retaliation measures. Trump, who mastered the power of the United States, was not helpless. Maybe he was angry before and will be furious and will upgrade the trade war in China.It is even stronger.

China has assigned senior economic officials to negotiate in the United States several times this year. As a result, they have returned without success, and even have some embarrassment due to the repeated United States.The possibility of going down.

Today, under the new environment brought by globalization, the global trade rules and trading system based on multilateralism are on the verge of disintegration, and are replaced by bilateral trade arrangements between two or three economies.This type of bilateral or border trade arrangements depends on the degree of compliance of each other's economic structure, and even testing whether both parties can complement each other's ideology and system. This trend is not good for China.

However, the new rules will not be formed in the short period of time, and the new situation, including the prospects of China and the United States, to decoupling economic and strategic, or even part ways, which means that countries will be more careful to avoid edge selection and more positive formation.Various cooperation between bilateral or between regions to maintain their sustainable development and stability.In this environment, China has a disadvantage to the United States because of its high degree of dependence with the United States, but in the face of other small and medium -sized economies, and in the long run, China still has a lot of chips.Of course, in China to complete domestic reforms, form a strong enough domestic demand market, and reduce dependence on the United States, it is still under pressure from the trade war, and it is inevitable to bear a new round of reform pain.

At this stage, other small and small economies in the world other than the United States may adopt different degrees of & ldquo;The wisdom of the ancient Chinese & ldquo;