The Taiwan United Daily News pointed out that after cleaning up the battlefield of the annuity reform, the structure was & ldquo; fighting cabinet & rdquo; and sued the former President Ma Ying -jeou.Tsai Ing -wen said again and again that if we have no way to understand the grassroots at the government, Congress, and public opinion; if our confrontation with reactionary forces cannot let the public know, it is our problem.Just as Tsai Ing -wen emphasized at the & ldquo; San Sanhui & rdquo; that the DPP's economic mid -term entrance examination scores can accept the strictest test, but she & ldquo is not allowed to sing Taiwan & rdquo;

President Tsai continued to blame that the past government was too lazy; she also said that the people of Taiwan must be confidently told that Taiwan is getting better and does not have to be arrogant because of singing or vacation.With a order, not only will the ministries be used & ldquo; fake news & rdquo;, even the new Minister of Legal Affairs Cai Qingxiang must declare war on & ldquo; fake news & rdquo;In a short time, the full typhoon sounded the crane, so that the blue -green battlefield that had been killed into the river was even more killed.

Tsai Ing -wen obviously was quite unconvinced about his downturn polls. Therefore, he started a election train and did not avoid the crime of running for arts for the DPP for the DPP.In addition, she also opened a check -in, emphasizing that the forward -looking construction will bring great changes to the local area, and everyone must support the reform of the DPP.She also said that the end of the year was the war of & ldquo; reform and anti -reform & rdquo; so she reminded everyone not to forget the Kuomintang & rdquo;

When the president took the lead, of course, the Pavilion Lai Qingde also followed up immediately. Not only did he take the frozen Kuomintang's 67 billion party production as a proud political achievement, but also blatantly sued the Ma Ying -jeou three cases as an indispensable achievement.Ma Ying -jeou's & ldquo; Tianlong eight steps & rdquo;Regardless of whether Lai Qingde was & ldquo; honesty & rdquo; or & ldquo; ignorance & rdquo;, is & ldquo; direct & rdquo; or & ldquo; He seems to be completely unknown to the division of administration and judicialness, and he is naked and exposed. Private attitude.As long as the Kuomintang won the victory, the government does not care about the division of the party and the government and the private benefit.

In fact, the DPP government has been playing this election campaign with the advantage of full governance & rdquo; fully governing & rdquo;It not only frozen the Kuomintang Party's property, but also allows the Blue Army to make a finances.It is ridiculous that this fully copy the method of monopolizing political and economic resources of the Kuomintang that year, but the Cai government is contented, and the high attitude is to pay tribute to the voters to pay tribute to it.Tsai Ing -wen said forgot to say that voting at the end of the year was the first & ldquo; no Kuomintang party's involvement & rdquo; in this case; in this way, what are the DPP?

When the DPP government was & ldquo; Early Army & rdquo; add firewood, its measures to lose politics have repeatedly trusted the society.President Tsai claimed that his economic results were good. In fact, this was the blessing of recovering international prosperity; although Taiwan's economic growth rate last year was two.89 %, but lower than neighboring countries.Although the stock market stands tens of thousands of more for a long time, it is a sense of foreign capital and has no sense of retail investors.Although the exports are strong, the people's salary increase is limited, and the pressure of prices brought about by policies such as one case, the people's life is hard, and the economic improvement cannot be felt.Coupled with the sluggish investment, cross -strait policies have always been in a deadlock. These are the main causes of the people's disappointment with the Cai government.President Cai has disappeared for the people's feelings. He insisted on making political and far -be more important than the economy. He approved that the front dynasty was more self -reviewing. Such a self -use self -use made people more worry about Taiwan's prospects.

At the beginning of his office, public opinion, that is, again, reminded the energy transformation policy to be cautious, but the Cai government insisted on its own intentions and unmoved it.Last year's large power outage and various small power outages this year showed that the power crisis was four volts. The president and Pavilion could only make a wide range of guarantees, but it was difficult to make the public and the business community feel at ease.Tsai Ing -wen blindly emphasizes the transformation of green energy to bring investment and employment opportunities, but ignores the consequences of the 2025 non -nuclear homeland, and even ignore the cost of air pollution and the national security crisis.However, as soon as someone questioned, it was beaten into & ldquo; Anti -reform & rdquo;, & ldquo; fake news & rdquo; still has the government's ability and elegance to listen to the voice of the people?

People only see that President Tsai, who worked hard for the Democratic Progressive Party & ldquo; The party country's & rdquo; President Tsai, could not see President Tsai who worked hard for the Republic of China, so that the country's future was dull, the social division was difficult, and the chaos continued to be difficult.The Tsai government must use anger and authoritarian cards to fight for election campaigns. Can this really save people's hearts?
#P#副 #E#

Consumption on both sides of the strait is getting more and more deficient

Author: Pang Jianguo

Chen Mingtong, chairman of the MAC, went to the United States to visit and delivered a lecture recently. The speeches were blamed on the other side of the Strait on the other side of the Strait.For the mainland, Chen Mingtong's speech has neither new ideas, but also lacks goodwill. It is more like a moment of tension with Sino -US relations, and cooperates with the United States to play & ldquo; Taiwan card & rdquo;.It can be imagined that cross -strait relations will not only ease and relieve it, but I am afraid that it will be more complicated and severe.The question is, how will it be good for Taiwan?

President Tsai Ing -wen recently attended a gathering of the elderly in the business community. All the leaders of the industrial and commercial community expressed to President Tsai the voice that should not be consumed on both sides of the strait. He hoped that President Tsai could find a way to solve the cross -strait relations.However, listening to Chen Mingtong's statement, the leaders of these industrial and commercial circles are still dead. As long as President Tsai's position remains unchanged, cross -strait relations are a & ldquo; cold & rdquo;Coupled with the variables of the United States, there will be chaos in the case of badness, and the industrial and commercial community must be careful.

Since the United States has raised its trade war attitude towards the mainland frequently & ldquo; after the Taiwanese card & rdquo; Although the Tsai government is still restrained on the surface, it still has some hobe.Value League & rdquo;, together & ldquo; restricting & rdquo; Mainland China and other remarks have come out.These words and deeds not only are not conducive to maintaining the status quo on both sides of the strait, but also further stimulate the negative response on the other side and make cross -strait relations more and more rigid.

As far as the elections at the end of the year are concerned, the Cai government's actions may have their campaign strategies, but it is obviously not conducive to the relief of cross -strait relations.As a result, we always see that the Cai government releases the contradictory signal on cross -strait relations.Suddenly, I hope to have the opportunity to sit down and talk about the Chinese leaders, and suddenly condemn the sovereignty of the Republic of China to sell the Republic of China. Then, a new Executive Yuan spokesman refused to use Chinese name.The Forbidden City & ldquo; Taiwanhua & rdquo;.It seems that the cross -strait relations can be allowed to scramble the Cai government, and I have the final say.

However, the reality is obviously not the case.Anyone who treats cross -strait relations slightly pragmatically and objectively knows that the comparison of cross -strait growth and growth is very clear, and the chips of time are still inclined on the other side.Unless the mainland is willing to change its position, the official firm wall is clearing the wild, and the expansion of exchanges and cooperation between the people in our land is a long -term strategy on the other side.Because the mainland has confidence in the overall situation of integrating the development of cross -strait and moving towards the ultimate reunification, as long as Taiwan is not too much, the mainland will not be in a hurry.

Maybe some people think that it is not bad to just consume it like this, & ldquo; to be treated & rdquo; it is also a way out.However, with the lack of goodwill in the mainland, Taiwan must face the dual economic and diplomatic dilemma.40%of Taiwan's exports in recent years are sold to the mainland, and each year has obtained a surplus of 100 billion US dollars from the mainland. These are the main supports of Taiwan's economic growth rate and the main support of Bao two & rdquo; otherwise & ldquo;Will sink down.Think about the well -being of the people in Taiwan. Ask the governors to take out some conscience and handle cross -strait relations pragmatically. Don't toss anymore.

(The author is the chairman of the Taiwan Competitiveness Forum Society)