
Some of the so -called public intellectuals in China. They originally had a comprehensive and in -depth research on trade, especially Sino -US trade, and was an authentic layman.The major issue of the entire country's fundamental interests will not erupt any of the Sino -US trade war; after the outbreak of the Sino -US trade war, it is timidly declared that the Sino -US trade war cannot be played, or on the contrary, it is extremely light to stop the war.

The Sino -US trade war is one of the most important issues facing China's current economy and politics.However, on this issue, China's intellectual elite (here mainly refers to experts and scholars and public intellectuals) again.

First of all, failed to predict the outbreak of the Sino -US trade war.The outbreak of the Sino -US trade war is by no means no sign, but a slightly appeared when Trump came to power. It can be basically determined when it visits China.When tariffs, it can be completely determined.However, not talking about ordinary experts and scholars, most of the very famous Chinese intellectual elites have not made accurate predictions.

After Trump has decided to impose tariffs on $ 50 billion in Chinese products, in addition to a small number of awake experts and scholars, most of the intellectual elites basically believe that as long as they are sent to Trump to Trump, the Sino -US trade war war, the Sino -US trade war war, and the Sino -US trade war war.Can't beat.Some very famous and status experts and scholars also claimed that Trump provoked the Sino -US trade war to target 2025 Made in China.Excuse me: Trump also levies tariffs on products in the European Union, Canada, Mexico, and even other countries. Do these countries also have similar development plans to China?

Secondly, it has not been able to propose effective countermeasures so far.If the misjudgment of the Sino -U.S. Trade war is rehabilitated (because Trump's unpredictability is too great, and after the Sino -US trade war started, many very famous knowledge elites' performance is absolutely difficult to be difficultCongratulations. On the issue of the Sino -US trade war, the Chinese intellectual elite class is basically divided into two factions. One is to resolutely the master and & mdash; & mdash;Senior scholars in the field are extremely pessimistic that China must not have a trade war with the United States, otherwise it will lose miserable; others will move from the above extremes to another. They generously stated that they must not compromise with the United States.And to stop war.

However, what plan should be taken to avoid trade war with the United States?The Lord and the School have not given any specific explanations so far.Ask, in the face of extreme requirements for the United States, it is advocating to avoid war but cannot get a acceptance plan. What is this surrender?Similarly, in addition to advocating the traditional retaliation method of returning to the United States, the main war faction did not come up with a practical specific plan.Some experts and scholars actually believe that Trump has challenged the trade war for the medium -term elections; his ticket warehouse is farmers.Therefore, counterattack Trump will hit his ticket warehouse and impose tariffs on agricultural products in the United States (such as soybeans, etc.).

And don't talk about Trump's launch of a trade war, it is not for the mid -term elections (the polls disclosed by the American media show that the public opinion is already very high, so he does not need to draw a snake to add enough).The statistics of the US government, currently the population of agricultural production in the United States only accounts for only 1%of the employment population. May I ask, is this 1%really constructed into Trump's ticket warehouse?With these 1%cheese, would he defeat in the midterm election?Will he stop imposing tariffs on Chinese products?Is there any more ignorant and ridiculous & ldquo; expert opinion & rdquo;?This is not a typical & ldquo; what is the thinking of Boxer & rdquo;

Third, so far, it has not been able to predict the future direction of the Sino -US trade war.The current primary task of the Chinese knowledge elite is based on detailed data, and the basic prediction of the direction of this trade war can make the government decision -making level a suitable policy, and it will never continue to talk about it, let alone open the river.Extremely irresponsible to mislead the people and the government.

So far, there is no knowledge elite. For the future direction of the Sino -US trade war, it is pre -judgment based on detailed data.Although the Sino -US trade war has broke out, in the historical long river of economic relations between China and the United States, this so -called & ldquo; war & rdquo; can only be temporary.Therefore, from a long -term perspective, even if the Sino -US trade war bursts out, it does not mean that the sky is falling.Moreover, the blessing and the blessing of blessings. If the Sino -US trade war is really a historic crisis in China, then it must be a very rare historical development opportunity in China.

Therefore, the wise man has no complaints. China's knowledge elite has no reason to complain about the heavens, but it should be very rational and objectively studying the direction of the Sino -US trade war, and find out practical measures to transform this problem into China's development opportunities.EssenceHowever, many intellectual elites don't think so.In their opinion, the Sino -US trade war is the historic crisis of the Chinese nation, and it is not an opportunity at all. China has no solution to this trade war.This kind of panic and losing care not only shows their lack of the most basic professionalism and laymans in the Sino -US trade war, but also with the & ldquo; humiliation that the intellectual elite must have & rdquo; & ldquo;


Based on the above three reasons, we have to say that on the issue of the Sino -US trade war, although there are a few experts and scholars who do have accurate understanding, prediction and countermeasures, as a class, the Chinese intellectual elite has once again showed againSevere mistakes & mdash; & mdash; Instead, they did not meet the basic requirements of government decision -making levels, but they seriously misled the people and government decision -making layers.

This serious mistakes show that the Chinese intellectual elites lack in -depth research on the West, especially the United States.More frankly, the current research of the Chinese intellectual elites' research on the United States is at least incomplete and incomplete, and it cannot meet the basic needs of the government decision -making level to formulate the basic needs of U.S. policies; it also shows that some so -called knowledge elitesNot only is it very lacking basic academic literacy, but also very impetuous. Often, only by knowing some of the semi -knowledge of some areas, it is an extremely irresponsible signal to many major social problems and even major issues outside the field of research.Misacuate the people and the government.

These include some very famous so -called public intellectuals in China. They have never conducted comprehensive and in -depth research on trade, especially Sino -US trade. They are authentic laymen.A major issues that affect the fundamental interests of the entire country, and what the Sino -US trade war will not erupt at the end of the country; and after the outbreak of the Sino -US trade war, it is timidly declared that the Sino -US trade war cannot be played, or on the contrary, it is extremely light to stop the war.EssenceAt present, the impetuousness and self -righteousness of the Chinese intellectual elite may be a greater and deeper crisis in China.

At the beginning of the reform and opening up, China faced unprecedented huge changes, but the elite class of China lags far behind the needs of the development of the situation.Crossing the river & rdquo;.The huge price paid is obvious to all.After implementing the socialist market economy, the Chinese economy experienced a crisis in 2008, and the Sino -US trade war is only the second time.

The market -oriented economic, social turmoil, economic fluctuations, and even economic crises are constantly arising.The backwardness of a nation is first of all the backwardness of its elite classes, not the backwardness of the people.If the Chinese elite continues to follow the old and dare not innovate, it will definitely not be able to cope with the more and more serious crisis facing now and in the future. The end result is to seize the core interests of the Chinese nation.

(The author is a scholar in Australia, originally worked at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)