The Sam member store that Hong Kong people will go north will be purchased. It is reported that Hong Kong online business will be opened.

According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post Sunday (May 12), the Sam Member Store is about to open Hong Kong online business.

The report quoted two Sam employees in Shenzhen, saying that the property will be opened in the near future, and Hong Kong people can enjoy free delivery of more than 599 yuan (S $ 114.3).

According to interface news, Sam did not deny that it will open the Hong Kong online business, but information such as whether to increase the category in the future and the establishment of a position in Hong Kong have not been given a reply.Improve our service capabilities through more and better ways.Hong Kong people are buying the entrance of the column.The interface report said that when you choose the Hong Kong address, you can see that the performance store is the Sam Shenzhen Longhua Store, but the "Hong Kong address does not support order for the time being for the time being".It is reported that it is more like a test version that is about to open.

Shenzhen Supermarket Sam Member Store is a pilgrimage hotspot for Hong Kong people to consume in the north. There is also a travel agency in Hong Kong to open the Sam Shopping Troupe while the hotspots, and bring Hong Kong people to the supermarket to conduct a four -hour shopping war.