Gregory May, Consul General of the United States, said that if Hong Kong still wants to maintain the status of the economic center, it should ensure that the freedom of the network should be maintained.

The extensive songs of the Hong Kong on Wednesday's anti -repair campaign are willing to return to Hong Kong to approve the ban order.Mei Ruui said at an online event hosted by the Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) of Washington on Thursday (May 9) that Hong Kong officials have fallen into the landslide trying to review the content of the network.

Mei Ruui said that the open Internet is the main advantage of Hong Kong, but the strict network control of mainland China has made the lives of foreign companies very difficult.

He said that enterprises and individuals hope that Hong Kong officials will basically maintain the network will basically maintain a stronger and more clear guarantee.

He also mentioned in the event that the United States will closely pay attention to the ongoing Li Zhiying case, the ruling and sentencing of the 47 -member case, saying that Hong Kong's rights and freedom retreat are not only the concerns of the United States, but also many of them.The country's concerns.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China in Hong Kong issued a response on the official website on Thursday evening saying that Mei Rurui deliberately discussed the judicial case of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and publicized her eyes for Li Zhiying and other anti -Chinese Hong Kong elements to intervene in Hong Kong affairs and Hong Kong affairs andIn the Chinese Internal Citizens, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong expressed firm opposition and strong condemnation.

A spokesman said that under the escort of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the maintenance of national security regulations, Hong Kong's political democracy continued to improve and improved, free human rights were fully guaranteed, economic development was steadily rebounded, and society was orderly.At the same time, judicial organs conduct fair trials and punishment for a handful of anti -China -Randan Hong Kong elements and punish them in accordance with the law to eliminate hidden dangers of national security.

The spokesman also advised the United States to "recognize the reality as soon as possible, set up the position, do not toss, choose things, and do not cross the border, and return to the positive road to promote the healthy and stable development of Sino -US relations with actual actions."

According to Bloomberg, Mei Ruiru said in February this year that Hong Kong's review of the Internet was increasingly tightened, and it was tended to Mainland China, prompting some American company executives to use it once when visiting Hong Kong, once using it once, using it once.Sexual mobile phones and laptops.