Hong Kong appeared in immigration after the storm in 2019, and the number of Hong Kong people with 100,000 Hong Kong people moved to overseas.Facing the crisis of insufficient rations or even suspended.On this occasion, a large number of mainland Chinese people immigrated to Hong Kong through various talent programs in recent years, and their children have also become the source of raw sources for local schools.However, more and more Lu Sheng went to Hong Kong to study in Hong Kong, and to face many adaptation problems, the SAR government needs to pay attention to follow -up.

During the Pry Golden Week holiday in China just past, more than 760,000 Chinese mainland people flocked to Hong Kong to travel.Zhang Yu (a pseudonym, 36 years old) from Guangzhou is one of them, but his trip was not to go to Hong Kong tourist attractions for sightseeing or shopping, but to visit Hong Kong elementary school.

Zhang Yu is engaged in innovation and technology in Guangzhou. He applied for the input talent program to join Hong Kong earlier and was successfully approved at the beginning of this year.However, he is preparing to show his fist and development in Hong Kong, and he is also considering how to solve the problem of his son's further studies."He is now in the fourth grade of elementary school in Guangzhou. I'm afraid he will not be able to adapt if he comes to Hong Kong."

So, while taking advantage of the May Day holiday, Zhang Yu participated in the "school group" (school delegation) organized by an educational institution in Hong Kong.Essence

After a day of inspection, Zhang Yu's impression of the Hong Kong education system is very good.In an interview with Lianhe Morning Post, he said that he was under great pressure to study in mainland China. Children had to practice their homework every day, but they did not want his son to undergo too much pressure. He only dealt with academic and examination all day.He visited Hong Kong's elementary school this time and found that Hong Kong schools are relatively encouraged to participate in more extracurricular activities. Children can find happiness in school on campus life.

To Hong Kong, Lu Shengke can be enrolled in overseas or mainland schools

Zhang Yu pointed out that from the perspective of reality, the Hong Kong education system also provides more possibilities. In the future, in addition to staying in Hong Kong to be promoted to universities in the future, children can also use Hong Kong as a springboard to enroll in overseas universities, and even return to return to return to return to return.In mainland China, "the mainland college entrance examination competition is fierce, but if it is a Hong Kong student, you can use a lower score to apply for a well -known university in the Mainland."He decided to move his family to Hong Kong with his family in a short time, allowing children to be promoted in Hong Kong in September this year.

The mainland parents who participated in the Hong Kong viewing school enthusiastically asked the person in charge of the Hong Kong school.(Photo by Dai Qingcheng)

After the anti -repair storm broke out in Hong Kong in 2019, Beijing strongly set up Hong Kong's political and social order.Many Hong Kong people have immigrated, leading to talent shortage in all walks of life in Hong Kong in recent years.After taking office two years ago, the Hong Kong Special Economic Zone Government actively launched a series of measures to attract talents.As of the end of April this year, various talent entry plans have received approximately 290,000 applications, of which nearly 180,000 are approved, and more than 120,000 people have arrived in Hong Kong.

illustration/Li Liqun

Investigation: Nearly 80 % of non -local talents choose to let their children study in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Faculty Organization Education Workers' Federation and the Hong Kong Gao Tong Talent Service Association visited more than 300 non -local talents in the form of questionnaires in mid -September to understand their needs for their children's education in Hong Kong.The survey results show that 75.8%of non -local talents choose to allow their children to come to Hong Kong to study in primary and secondary schools, far exceeding those who will "let their children stay in their home" (18.1%) and "let their children study overseas in primary and secondary schools" (3.7%To.Zhang Yu obviously belongs to most groups.

Among the respondents of the above surveys, 21.9%come from the "High -end Talent Public Permit Plan" (Gao Cai Tong), 17.4%come from the "Excellent Talent Entry Plan", 8.9%from the "Enter the Mainland Talent Plan", 22.7%From "Non -local graduates to stay in Hong Kong for employment arrangements", the remaining 29.1%come from other talent programs.The agency responsible for the investigation analyzes that with the promotion of various types of talent input programs, there will be more and more children from all grades to Hong Kong in Hong Kong in the future.

This side of this side, counting 100,000 mainland Chinese talents with family immigration to Hong Kong with family members, has a great demand for basic education in Hong Kong; on the other side, many Hong Kong people do not like Hong Kong's political atmosphere.Immigration to foreign countries.

Taking the most popular landing place in Hong Kong as an example, the United Kingdom as an example, the Hong Kong South China Morning Post quoted data from the British Ministry of the Interior, stating that from January 2021 to June 2023Nearly 150,000 British national (overseas) passport (BNO) visa.Among them, there are about 10,000 children in the age of five and below, children aged 6 to 11 account for about 19,000 copies, about 10,000 adolescents aged 12 to 17, and young people aged 18 to 22 account for about 3,000.The rest are issued to people aged 23 or more.

Under the influence of immigration tide, and the continuous downturn in Hong Kong's fertility rate, data from the Hong Kong Education Bureau shows that the total of nearly 68,000 primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong in 2019 to 2022, which means that many primary and secondary schools have recently been more recently.Facing the problem of insufficient annual income.The problem of the structural decline in the student's population has not seen the dawn of solution in the future.

A school in Hong Kong is holding a flag raising ceremony.The picture was taken on April 23.(Zhongtong News Agency)

The Hong Kong Education Bureau submitted the latest data to the Legislative Council Special Finance Committee in April this year to estimate the school -age population in primary and secondary schools in the next five years.There are 49,600 people who read the younger age this year, and will fall to 3,500 in 2029, a decrease of more than 30 %; the population of one -age reading is 68,300 this year, and will be reduced to 54,300 in 2029., Fall by 20 %.

The number of children in appropriate age continues to reduce the tide of business suspension

The calculation results show that many Hong Kong primary and secondary schools will still face the serious shortage of local students in the future.

In Hong Kong, if the school is not harvested, it means that it is likely to be suspended.In fact, the continuous decline in the number of school -age children in Hong Kong has set off a wave of business suspension in the kindergarten industry.The Education Bureau pointed out that from September last year to April this year, 14 kindergartens have been suspended within this school year, including merging with other schools.In the short week of May, three kinds of kindergartens announced that they were about to suspend, including Maanshan Yaorong Chinese Kindergarten, Dawei Meilin Village Daoguang Kindergarten, and the right Siwei International Kindergarten and Kindergarten in Haiyi Peninsula in the South District.

The 35 -year -old Ma'anshan Yaorong Chinese and English Kindergarten, the school supervisor Hu Yiming recently wrote to the parents that in recent years, due to the decline in birth rate, the tide of immigration, and the decrease in cross -border school children, the kindergarten in Hong Kong has insufficient problems in harvesting.The number of raws in Rongyou Wells has continued to decrease, and fiscal losses are getting bigger and bigger like snowballs.It is difficult to continue the operation, so it is decided to suspend it in August next year.

In the case of the decline of the "cliff" of the number of local students, the children of mainland Chinese talents who immigrated to Hong Kong through various plans also became the source of raw sources for Hong Kong schools.Hong Kong primary and secondary schools have made various methods to attract Lu Sheng to report to avoid shrinking to school due to insufficient rations.

Hold various activities to promote Hong Kong education to parents of the mainland

Many parents in mainland China are unfamiliar with Hong Kong education. The Hong Kong Allowance Middle School Council has organized more than 10 schools in Shenzhen for the first time to hold a briefing meeting in Shenzhen to provide on -site consultations for parents."Let parents understand the advantages and characteristics of more Hong Kong schools.Some schools open a small red book account to communicate directly with mainland students and parents to establish reputation.

Hong Kong Science and Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and artificial intelligence education platform STEM Plus also held two Hong Kong middle schools and primary school visit groups in the Golden Week of May 1st in the past, allowing dozens of mainland parents and students to visitHong Kong schools, experience Hong Kong teaching and life, and understand the Hong Kong education system in depth.

The visiting group visited different primary and secondary schools respectively.The school also arranges a wealth of itinerary, including the principal's meeting, the teachers lead the visit to the campus, interact with the local Hong Kong students, experience the school English and STEM courses.

STEM Plus founder Liu Jingwei, in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao, pointed out that as early as December last year, the agency had teamed up with the school parliamentary organization of four primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong to hold the first (Dawan District) Hong Kong School Education Exhibition. HopeThrough the education exhibition, the mainland parents knew the Hong Kong academic system. At that time, there were more than 100 participating schools."We did not promote it, but there were more than 30,000 people who admitted, most of which were parents in the Mainland, and the number of people was super far away."

Hong Kong technology, engineering, mathematics and artificial intelligence education platform STEM Plus held the first (Greater Bay Area) Hong Kong School Education Exhibition last year.Essence(STEM Plus Photo)

STEM Plus's viewing school group this time is also very popular, and it will be full in just a few days.Liu Jingwei pointed out that the school group allowed parents to learn about Hong Kong education in person. The school also enrolled students through characteristics. Moreover, several parents had received several parents to register for their children to react positively and "effectively reached a win -win situation."In view of this, STEM Plus decided to hold the Hong Kong School Education Exhibition again in July this year. For the time being, more than 200 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens have been signed up.

Public information shows that the new immigrants in mainland China have been promoted in Hong Kong for a long time. There are a certain number of children who come to Hong Kong to reunite in Hong Kong to study in Hong Kong school before and after the return of Hong Kong.It is even excluded.Many Hong Kong people's mainland children can only enroll in several traditional left schools in Hong Kong, such as Chuangzhi, Xiangdao and Peiqiao.

Education consultant: Lu Sheng's study in Hong Kong will become a new trend to create a win -win situation

Liang Yongle, an educational consultant who engaged in the promotion consulting service in Hong Kong, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that in the past 10 years, the birth rate of Hong Kong's birth rate has continued to decline.Cross -border students in Tianshuiwei and other areas have become important students of some schools. The language environment on the school is mainly Mandarin.After the rise of immigration in Hong Kong, students with mainland backgrounds are more popular, and they have become the schools of the schools with insufficient schools.Everyone has their own conspiracy to grab these students.

Liang Yongle believes that after three years of epidemic, Lu and Hong Kong restore folk exchanges, and the Hong Kong Government has also launched a number of plans to absorb mainland specialists.Restrictions, Lu Sheng's admission to local schools will become a new trend.

In his opinion, this pair of land and Hong Kong is a win -win situation, because Hong Kong ’s educational advantages are internationalization.Hong Kong colleges and universities and universities have been recognized by overseas and mainland universities.At the same time, more and more Lu Sheng studying in Hong Kong is also expected to alleviate the problems of lack of local school children in Hong Kong.

Experts: Hong Kong Government should help Lu Sheng integrate into society as soon as possible

In the past, the two places of Lugang had friction or contradictions because of the mainlanders going to Hong Kong. Many people were worried that if a large number of Lu Sheng went to Hong Kong to enter school in a short period of time, it would cause Hong Kong parents to rebound.

Liang Yongle pointed out that in recent years, the social atmosphere of Hong Kong has been much more harmonious to mainlanders than before, and as the two places have been frequently interacted with each other, they have generally reached mutual understanding."Taking the parent group of the communication software I am as an example, Hong Kong parents generally welcome and actively assist the mainland to come to Hong Kong for freshmen."

Cai Sixing, a lecturer of the General Scholarship of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, pointed out in the United Morning Post that the kindergarten, primary schools, middle schools, and private universities in Hong Kong are facing the problems of shortage of birth rates due to the lack of local birth rates, especially local parents in kindergartens and primary schools.Whether the schools that have been worried about their children will be suspended due to insufficient source of students, which is very different from resisting the rejection of mainland students to study in Hong Kong in the early 2010s.

However, both agreed that the Hong Kong government should pay attention to related issues.Cai Sixing pointed out that most local schools in Hong Kong still use Cantonese and British English as teaching languages, and failed to adapt to the general environment of Chinese and English in East Asia.Connect the problem, and you may consider increasing your calling teaching.

Liang Yongle suggested that the Hong Kong Government should set up relevant departments as soon as possible to avoid various problems that mainland students integrate into Hong Kong society, including adaptation, school selection, and even emotional life.

As for the conflict caused by individual discrimination, he believes it is difficult to avoid. The school needs to spend more effort to education for students and families to strengthen the ability of Hong Kong people to adapt more and more "new Hong Kong students".