The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government issued a statement to refute Mei Ruirui, the Consul General of the United States in Hong Kong and Macao, and slander the Hong Kong government to maintain national security.

The Hong Kong Government issued a newsletter on Friday (May 10). The biased remarks on Hong Kong's situation at the US think tank recently and the slanderous discreditation of Hong Kong's maintenance of national security work.Express strong dissatisfaction and opposition.

A spokesman for the Hong Kong Government said that the United States has always ignored the Hong Kong version of the Hong Kong version of the "Color Revolution" that Hong Kong occurred in 2019.Maintaining national security laws is the inherent rights and responsibilities of sovereignty countries, and it is also an international practice. Hong Kong attacks on Hong Kong, which is responsible, loyal, and maintaining national security in accordance with the law, only highlight the double standards of the United States.The Hong Kong Government urged the United States to recognize the fact that the Hong Kong National Security Law allowed the lives and economic activities of Hong Kong residents to restore normal and the business environment.

A spokesman said that Hong Kong National Security Law and the maintenance of national security regulations to maintain national security related laws are to make national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity;The policy of highly autonomous autonomy can be fully implemented; as well as better protection of Hong Kong residents and other people in Hong Kong, including the basic rights and freedom of people in Hong Kong businessmen.

The spokesman continued that the legal definition was clear, the elements of crimes were clear, and it did not affect the normal exchanges between residents of Hong Kong and businessmen in Hong Kong.These legitimate exchanges and commercial activities are fully guaranteed by the Basic Law and the local laws of Hong Kong, and it is impossible to confuse the national security behavior and activities.

The spokesman said that the Hong Kong law enforcement department has publicly wanted the fugitive information for suspected offending serious crimes, and asked the public to assist the public to arrest the fugitives. It is legal and necessary for the approach, and it is also in line with international practice.On the one hand, the United States claims to want a "stable relationship", but on the other hand, it will want to discredit law enforcement operations in Hong Kong in accordance with the law. It also proposes that some people should not be sanctioned by law for their illegal acts and activities, and completely violate the spirit of the rule of law.

Recently, the Temporary Banning Order has recently issued a temporary ban on a criminal behavior related to a song. The spokesman reiterated that the purpose of applying for the ban is to maintain the dignity of national security and national anthem.The songs have been widely circulated since 2019, and are used to incite the participation of others. It is likely to constitute a crime and activity such as the crime of division and incitement, thereby endangering national security.The songs are also expressed as the national anthem of Hong Kong, which insults the national anthem Volunteer Army and causes serious damage to the country and Hong Kong.

The spokesman finally reiterated that the Hong Kong government strongly demanded that the United States immediately stopped the acts that did not meet the basic guidelines of international law and international relations and immediately stopped interfere with Hong Kong affairs.

Hong Kong on Wednesday (8th) The extensive songs during the anti -repair campaign are willing to return to Hong Kong to approve the ban order.Mei Ruui said at an online seminar hosted by the US Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) on Thursday (9th), saying that Hong Kong has fallen into the landslide trying to review the content of the network.He also proposed that the US government asked the Hong Kong government not only to revoke a wanted order to Hong Kong people in the United States, but also stopped implementing measures to further target Hong Kong people.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong issued a statement on Thursday, saying that Mei Rurui's above statement "openly supports the internal affairs of Hong Kong in the anti -Chinese Hong Kong elements for anti -China and other anti -China Hong Kong elements, and" advised to adviseThe United States recognizes reality as soon as possible. "