(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) The Hong Kong Legislative Council has quickly completed the review and provisions of Article 23 of the Basic Law. It may be submitted to the Legislative Council Conference as soon as Wednesday (March 20) as soon as possible to carry out the last step of legislative procedures.

According to Hong Kong 01 reports, the Hong Kong Legislative Council's Internal Affairs Committee held a meeting on Friday (March 15) to listen to the report on the draft of the laws committee reporting the law on the implementation of Article 23 Legislative Act Committee.The internal association has unanimously approved the notification period for the Director of the Security Bureau to apply to the chairman of the Legislative Council for exemption to submit the draft, and set the time limit for the amendment to the membership of the lawmakers as noon on Saturday (March 16).

After the exemption period, it means that the agenda can be added to the Legislative Council Conference, and the draft of the National Security Regulations may therefore be included in the agenda of the conference as soon as possible, restore the second -reading debate and three -reading procedures, and complete legislative work.

During the last week of the National Two of China in Beijing, a number of Hong Kong media quoted news on March 5th that Hong Kong will speed up 23 legislation and rush to complete relevant legislation on the National National Security Education Day, that is, April 15th, to complete the relevant legislation before April 15th.Work.

The Hong Kong Government immediately ends nine days after the end of 23 legislative public consultation periods, and announced on March 8th to announce the maintenance of the draft regulations for the maintenance of the national security regulations. The Legislative Council opened a special meeting on the same morning.Reading and second reading, in the afternoon, held a meeting of the Act Committee to conduct the provisions to review the work one by one. In the past week, all the bills of the Legislative Council made all the ways and reviewed 23 legislation at full speed.