People familiar with the matter revealed that the Hong Kong SAR government will appoint the former chairman of the CSRC Tang Jiacheng as the new chairman of the Hong Kong Exchange.

Comprehensive Reuters and Bloomberg reported that Shi Meilun (74 years old), the current chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, will step down after the annual meeting of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's shareholders on April 24 to end the six -year term.People familiar with the matter said that Tang Jiacheng (69 years old), a non -executive director of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, is a popular candidate.Ren Zhigang (75 years old), the former president of the Hong Kong Financial Administration, is another chairman.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange will select the new chairman after the annual shareholders' annual meeting, and then formally appointed by the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao.

According to the rules and futures regulations of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange's Articles of Association, after the decision chairman of the board of directors of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the Hong Kong Chief Executive must be approved by the Hong Kong Chief Executive.

The Hong Kong Government holds 5.9%of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and appointed half of the directors of the board of directors of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, including the Tang family and Ren Zhigang, who were affiliate last year.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange just ushered in Chen Yiting, the new chief executive on the 1st of this month.The Hong Kong Stock Exchange's last Chief Executive CEO Nicolas Aguzin notified the Board of Directors of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last year after the term of May this year did not seek re -election.The Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced in December that the co -operating director Chen Yiting replaced the Champions League and served as the new president of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.Chen Yiting became the first female president of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange officially appointed Chen Yiting as the new chief executive.The Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced that the Champions League was successfully handed over, and it would be delivered early, and the term of office ended at the end of February.The succession of Chen Yiting will take office on March 1.