Tan Dezhi, the former vice -chairman of the Hong Kong Pan -democratic master and the former vice chairman of the people, was sentenced to 40 months of incitement, and his appeal was rejected.

Comprehensive Ming Daily and Sing Tao Daily reported that the Hong Kong Appeal Tribunal rejected Tan Dezhi's appeal to conviction and sentence.

Tan Dezhi shouted many slogans such as "Restore the Hong Kong and the Revolution of the Times" on the street in 2020. In March 2022, seven items were ruled to publish institutional text, a instigating others participated in the unprecedented assembly, etc.A total of 11 crimes, the Hong Kong National Security Law designated judges sentenced him to prison for 40 months.

Tan Dezhi made an objection that he should use inciting violence as the threshold for conviction to meet the principles of ordinary law and ensure freedom of speech.The Hong Kong Department of Justice states that non -violence may also endanger Guoan, and the government needs to maintain Guoan.

The report from Ming Pao said that the Tan Dezhi case was the first appeal of the first section after the return of Hong Kong.The necessary element of control.