Liang Fengyi, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, was appointed as the chairman of the Asia -Pacific Regional Committee organized by the International Securities Affairs Supervision Committee (Organization of the International Securities Regulatory Commission).

Comprehensive Ming Pao and Radio Hong Kong website reported that the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission announced the news on Thursday (March 7).

Liang Fengyi's two -year term will start from the day of the annual meeting of the International Securities Regulatory Commission organized by the International Securities Regulatory Commission.

Liang Fengyi said: "The International Securities Regulatory Commission organizes the Asia -Pacific regional committee to play an important role, committed to promoting the working relationship between securities regulatory agencies in the region, strengthening collaboration, and ensuring that the voices in the Asia -Pacific region worldwide are heard"" ".

She said, "I am very honored to lead the Asia -Pacific regional committee to help solve the common problems facing securities regulatory agencies and strengthen the toughness of the capital market in the region."

The International Securities Regulatory Commission is an international institution composed of securities regulatory agencies around the world. It is recognized as a global standard for the securities industry. The members are from more than 130 judicial regions and supervise more than 95%of the world's worldwide.Securities market.