Hong Kong's fiscal budget recently announced the financial budget recently announced a financial budget recently announced a financial budget recently announced a recent budget case announced recently announced a financial budget.The issuance of bonds, the former chief of the financial chief Tang Yingnian believes that it is acceptable to fill in the short -term capital flow with debt issuance, and it should not be demonized by debt issuance.

综合明报和香港01星期二(3月5日)报道,身为中国全国政协常委的唐英年在北京告诉在场记者,出现资金链断裂,或发觉市场有能力吸纳债券时,以Bond issuing a short -term and medium -term capital flow is an acceptable approach.

In a new fiscal budget, Hong Kong proposed that this year's bonds issued 120 billion Hong Kong dollars (S $ 20.6 billion), but it caused citizens to worry about the Hong Kong government's debt.

In addition, Tang Yingnian said when talking about the Chinese government's work report on issuing ultra -long -term government bonds that when the central government issued bonds, it may be able to use the role of Hong Kong International Financial Center.

Tang Yingnian was asked about 23 legislation that the SAR government had constitutional responsibilities and legislation should be legislated as soon as possible. After establishing a stable environment, the economy can develop economy and improve people's livelihood.