Chen Maobo, the director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, announced on Wednesday (February 28) to announce a new fiscal budget that the Hong Kong property market will "withdraw" from now on.In the past weekend, the sales units of the new real estate in Hong Kong were sold for about four hours.

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, after the Hong Kong property market has "withdrawn" (cancel the additional stamp duty, buyer printing duty and new residential stamp duty), the first real estate will be on sale on Sunday (March 3).The 138 units launched by the wheel sold for about four hours.

The real estate is Belgravia Place, a residential project owned by Hengbia, is located in Changsha Bay, Hong Kong.There are a total of 714 units in the project, and 138 units were launched in the first round, with an average price of HK $ 15,888 (about S $ 27,28) and a maximum transaction value of about 19.517 million Hong Kong dollars.

A general manager Lin Damin, general manager of Henderson Property Agency, said that about 80 % of the first round of buyers were 31 to 45 years old, and many non -permanent residents bought buildings.He said that after the "withdrawal" of the Hong Kong property market, citizens accelerated their pace to buy the property within the expected expectations and were expected to conduct second rounds of sales on March 7 or 8. The number is similar to the first round.

Chen Yongjie, vice chairman of the Asia -Pacific District of Zhongyuan Real Estate, said that the market is returning to normal exchanges.There are more than 220 first -hand residential markets in the Hong Kong property market four days after the "withdrawal of spicy", which is equivalent to 80 % of the transaction volume of the whole month in February.

In addition to the hot sale of new houses, the sales momentum of second -hand buildings in Hong Kong is also quite strong.Many real estate agents holding real estate materials have brought investors and self -guest to see the building. They should try to promote the transaction as much as possible under the good momentum.

According to news reports today, Tianshui Wai Jiahu Villa, which is an indicator of the entire Hong Kong (first buying a house) indicator, recorded in the first weekend after the "withdrawal" of the property market, recorded in a single day.At least seven transactions, in a small unit in Lehuju, the two -room interval and a practical area of ​​448 feet, the latest transactions at 3.95 million Hong Kong dollars, with an average utility of about 8,800 Hong Kong dollars.