Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province issued a notice to severely crack down on illegal engaging in sea fishing activities. Among them, it is mentioned that there will be strictly prohibited three -free ships to leave Hong Kong and ban and destroy according to law.

According to the official WeChat public account of "Zhuhai Xiangzhou", Zhuhai Public Security Bureau, Zhuhai City Transportation Bureau, Zhuhai Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Zhuhai Culture, Radio, Television Tourism and Sports Bureau, Zhuhai Emergency Administration, ZhuhaiThe Municipal Hong Kong and Macau Moving Fishermen's Office, Zhuhai Maritime Safety Administration, Hong Kong -Zhuhai -Macao Bridge Maritime Bureau, and Zhuhai Maritime Police Station jointly issued the above announcement last Friday (March 1).

According to the notice, five ships in Zhuhai's fishing fishing were affected on February 29, and three of them returned to voyage, and two were in danger for help.Seven people on the board for help were quickly rescued by the rescue forces, and the other dangerous ships had lost contact.That night, the sea was dark, the wind and waves were anxious, the cold and the wind pierced, and the six people hung a line.The Zhuhai Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government emergency scheduling. The Zhuhai Maritime Safety Administration, Zhuhai Maritime Police Station and other departments organized 28 ships to search for full search. After more than three hours of hard search and rescue, six dangerous people were rescued in the early morning of March 1.

The announcement stated that the risk lessons caused by the risks of violations of the regulations were profound and fully exposed the harm of illegal sea fishing.In order to effectively maintain the safety of the people's lives and curb the occurrence of maritime safety accidents, the city decided to carry out special actions to crack down on illegal engagement of sea fishing activities throughout the city.

Zhuhai City will prohibit the "three -none" ships, lack of licenses, or failed ships to engage in sea fishing activities."Three None" ships with no ship names, Hong Kong -free ports, and no ship certificates will ban ships from leaving Hong Kong and confiscate and ban, and destroy them according to law.Leisure yachts are also prohibited from engaging in production and operating sea fishing activities. At the same time, fishery ships are strictly prohibited from engaging in illegal passenger sea fishing activities.

The announcement pointed out that if the regulations violate the regulations, the relevant departments shall be handled by the relevant departments in accordance with the law.Anyone who refuses and obstructs law enforcement officers in accordance with the law, the Chinese Maritime Police and Public Security Department will deal with them in accordance with the law and suspected crimes shall investigate criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.

During the banning of a "three -none" fishing boat in the Jinxia waters on February 14th, the two fishermen drowned when the ship was turned over, and the other two lived.This incident has continued to extend so far. After more than a dozen rounds of negotiations between Taiwan and the mainland, it has not yet reached a consensus.