(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) Hong Kong is reported to complete the 23 legislative work of Article 23 of the Basic Law on April 15th.

The official website of the Hong Kong Legislative Council shows that the Legislative Council will hold a joint meeting of "Maintenance of National Security: Article 23 of the Basic Law Article 23 of the Basic Law", which will be explained by officials to explain the results of public consultation.

Comprehensive "Hong Kong 01" and Sing Tao Daily reported that there are news that many members of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong District People's Congress and CPPCC members on Tuesday (March 5) will "leave leave" after attending the opening ceremony of the National People's Congress.Back to Hong Kong to attend the meeting.

Sources said that 23 legislations are expected to be the first reading of the Legislative Council in the next Wednesday (March 13).The official intends to complete the legislation on National Security Day, that is, April 15th.

Reported that two weeks after the first reading of the draft legislation, members must complete the review.Therefore, this time it was not a "urgent call" to return to Hong Kong, but a psychological preparation for members of members to take leave to return to Hong Kong for a period of time.

Article 23 The legislative public consultation ended at the end of last month , and the Hong Kong Security Bureau received about 13,000 opinions.Books, 98.64%of them are supported.