The former director of the Hong Kong Chief Finance Zeng Junhua posted a post on a social platform, questioning that Hong Kong had been entered into the era of structural fiscal deficit.Chen Maobo, director of the Hong Kong Finance Department, responded to this that the Hong Kong government's expected operation and comprehensive accounts will restore the balance of revenue and expenditure in two years and three years. Citizens do not need to worry about the structural fiscal deficit in Hong Kong.

Comprehensive network media "Hong Kong 01" and Sing Tao Daily, Zeng Junhua posted on Facebook on Sunday (March 3) to put forward the above views, and said that after reading the latest fiscal budget reportWorried that Hong Kong will borrow for a long time.He also pointed out that the budget increased income measures in the face of 100 billion debt, and he questioned the attraction and return of the Hong Kong government's debt issuance in the high -interest environment.

Zeng Junhua also mentioned that if the Hong Kong government issued debts year -on -year and then used to pay daily expenses, the Hong Kong government will dry up for a long time.

Chen Maobo on Monday (4th) on a radio program, reiterating that the Hong Kong government's debt issuance will not be used as a payment of government expenditures.When attending the announcement of the fiscal budget forum last Wednesday (February 28), Chen Maobo has stated that the main purpose of the Hong Kong government's issuance of bonds does not support daily expenses, but to invest in infrastructure projects, especially in the northern metropolitan area and the Hongshui Bridge Xinxin Xinxin.Development zone, even other engineering projects.

The Hong Kong Government will issue 120 billion Hong Kong dollars (about S $ 20.6 billion) in the next fiscal year.In the high -interest environment, the guarantee rate of 4 to 5 % can attract citizens to buy bonds. Chen Maobo said that disagreement will not agree to rise to such a high level, and the point of interest will always fall.Reserve, so you can grasp the timing of debt issuance.

Chen Maobo added that when the International Monetary Fund was organized in Hong Kong for evaluation, the Hong Kong government's finances were very stable.The rating and financial institutions he have contacted, and even professional investors and financial markets, also welcomes and agreed that the Hong Kong government should issue multiple debts to ensure that various infrastructure investment projects can be launched on time.