The new year announced by the Hong Kong Government last Wednesday (February 28) Fiscal budget case As it is expected, it has not been "glyph" in the past few years. Instead, all the property market regulation measures that have been implemented for nearly 14 years have been revoked, becoming the biggest surprise and highlight of the entire report.Looking at the information, Hong Kong's implementation of the property market "spicy tricks" can be traced back to 2010.After the global financial tsunami in 2008, countries have introduced the "width" policy, and a large amount of hot money flows into Hong Kong, which has led to the continuous rise in property prices.The Hong Kong Government has launched a series of "spicy tricks" from November 2010. It is hoped that by increasing the home cost of Hong Kong people and non -local people who have held the property, it will combat the hot property market.As the Hong Kong government "withdraw", the transactions of all residential properties will not pay additional stamp duties, buyer printing duty and new residential stamp duty from last Sunday, which means that the cost of buying and selling houses has been greatly reduced.Based on a building unit of HK $ 10 million (about S $ 1.72 million) for an overseas person, it was necessary to pay more than 3 million Hong Kong dollars taxes. Now it only needs to pay more than 300,000 Hong Kong dollars, and it seems very attractive.In the past few days, the atmosphere of the Hong Kong property market has improved significantly by the drive of "withdrawal". Many buyers have actively dispatched. In the second -hand residential market, "treasure hunt" has increased several times.There are also owners who are optimistic about the prospects of the property market and announced the sealing or anti -price.As for the first -hand residential market that has been frozen for a while, developers have also deployed new units.Some developers launched a first -hand real estate in Changsha Bay just on Sunday, and finally received 4,400 check -in checks. Based on the first round of sale of 138 units, it was more than 30 times.On the same day, the real estate was located in a shop in a shopping mall in Tsim Sha Tsui. A large number of approved buyers arrived at the scene half an hour before the sale.scene.The first round of sale of the real estate was sold out on the same day.After the Hong Kong Internet media announced this year's fiscal budget, online questionnaire surveys were conducted.It was found that the interviewed Hong Kong people's scores of this year's fiscal budget were generally low, but everyone was most satisfied with the budget that the property market was "withdrawn", reflecting that "withdrawal" was the mainstream public opinion in Hong Kong.After all, the property prices in Hong Kong have fallen by more than 20 % in the past two years, and the market is sparse.If the small owner is rushing to sell the cash -up funds, he can only cut the price significantly.As the Hong Kong Government revokes all measures to regulate the property market, Hong Kong residential transaction volume is expected to increase significantly, and the decline in property prices is also expected to slow down, which will help the Hong Kong property market "soft landing."This will undoubtedly make the Hong Kong people in their hands pant a little, and even if they do not sell, they don't have to worry about becoming negative assets.For Hong Kong people who are interested in home, after the official "withdrawal", although property prices may rise in the short term, the "withdrawal" reduces the cost of buying a house., Give you more choices, this is what most people are happy.Of course, the most popular "withdrawal" must be the real estate agent.The atmosphere of the Hong Kong property market has been weak in the past two years, and the investment is quiet.Data show that in February this year, there were only about 3,182 overall buildings. The average of about 12.3 real estate agents robbed a transaction order.It is difficult to make money and cause many agents to be forced to leave the industry.With the "withdrawal" to stabilize the confidence of the Hong Kong property market, More and more buyers enter the market Rising, relying on commission agents, income will naturally increase.However, there are many risks of the Hong Kong Government's full cancellation of the "spicy tricks" of the property market.After the taxation of speculators, company customers and overseas investors, the cost of speculative buildings has been greatly reduced, which will inevitably worry that the property price of Hong Kong, which has fallen by 23%of the historical high in September 2021, will regain the waves.And the wind is reproduced.Recently, some speculators have re -entered the market after the full "withdrawal".Taking the Tsuen Wan Center, which is known as the "speculatory family" as an example, recorded about 10 trading transactions within two days after the implementation of the policy, which is the most prosperous in the past three years.Some transactions are even zero -bargaining transactions, reflecting that buyers are worried about missing the time to enter the market and hurriedly enter the market.Hong Kong people who have no ability to buy a home for the time being are worried about the reproduction of the stir -up, and the property prices continue to rise. In the future, they can only look at the building again.On the other side, there are also Hong Kong people who are worried that suddenly "withdrawal" will greatly stimulate the supply of real estate, and it will lead to further decline in property prices.In fact, the stimulus of the "spicy reduction" of the Hong Kong Government in the past is generally only four to 16 weeks.For example, in October last year, after the Hong Kong Government announced the "reduction of spicy", the residential transaction volume once rebounded from the low position, but soon fell and the property price continued to fall.EssenceMany people believe that even if the Hong Kong government announced the full "withdrawal" this time, it is difficult to last for the positive emotions of the property market.The negative factors such as weak economy, high interest in interest, and a large amount of new markets still exist, and it is difficult to reverse the decline by "withdrawal" alone.Some people are even more worried that once the "withdrawal" failed to stop the property prices in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong government will "have no tricks", causing panic and becoming the last straw that crushes the Hong Kong property market.In any case, the "withdrawal" of the Hong Kong property market has aroused heated social discussions, which once again shows that real estate is still one of the economic pillars in Hong Kong, which has a great impact on all walks of life in Hong Kong.What's more, many Hong Kong people have saved their lives in the property.Although the era of "spicy tricks" over 10 years has ended and its historical tasks have been completed, the official solution to the property market problem is still long -term.