Xia Baolong, Hong Kong and Macao Office of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Hong Kong and Macao Office of the State Council of China, after visiting Hong Kong in April last year, he recently visited Hong Kong again, and a large number of Hong Kong media followed up.However, most Hong Kong people are more concerned about the new fiscal budget that the SAR government will announce on Wednesday (February 28). After all, this is more closely related to their daily life.

Chen Maobo, the director of the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, has been serving as the Grandpa since 2017. This year's fiscal budget is not only the second budget of the SAR government, and it is also the eighth for him.In all fairness, this budget should be the most difficult to write in Chen Maobo.

During the three -year crown disease epidemic from 2020 to 2023, the Hong Kong government launched a large number of relief measures to successfully assist grass -roots citizens to pass the difficulties.The latest data shows that the current financial reserves of the Hong Kong Government have fallen to a low level of about HK $ 669 billion (S $ 114.9 billion), which is a lot compared to the peak of HK $ 100 billion.

In the case of unclear political and economic environment, Hong Kong's economy still faces many challenges this year.Many people of insight have recently publicly called on the Hong Kong Government to plan ahead, increase some government charges, and re -examine the tax base, open up new sources of taxes, and avoid the risk of structural deficit in the future.

Chen Maobo had previously stated its position, saying that government income and expenditure needed to be adapted to each other. It agreed that it was time to check some public services charges that have not been adjusted for a long time and involved the "use of users".Generally, I believe that the fiscal budget announced on Wednesday It is likely that the public hospital's emergency room charging fee is likely toAnd raising public housing rental to solve the fortune of wealth.

However, man is emotional animal after all.Although the Hong Kong Government is facing a wealth of hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars this year, many Hong Kong people are still eager to take care of the burden of citizens. This year, they continue to "send sugar" to launch measures for people's livelihood for all classes.If this year's fiscal budget is not expressed, I am afraid that the Hong Kong people will disappoint and have a negative impact on the Hong Kong government's hope.

In fact, the Hong Kong Government launched a series of measures to stimulate economic measures in the first year of the rest of the epidemic last year.-1466585 "rel = nofollow target = _blank> plus a number of events , which promotes economic recovery to a certain extent.However, at the same time, due to the sluggish performance of the stock market and the property market, the number of visitors to Hong Kong, and the income of government land sales were not ideal, the steps of the overall economic recovery of Hong Kong have been quite slow.SG/Finance/China/Story20240217-1468597 "R = NOFOLOW TARGET = _blank> Many Hong Kong people feel hard .

There is no doubt that how to promote the economic budget this year's fiscal budget at the same time as open source and throttling, the Hong Kong government is an important issue for this year's fiscal budget.

For example, , building building, building buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings, buildings.The price has recently fallen to a new low of more than seven years. Regardless of the developer, the real estate agent, or the citizen, it is expected that there are new measures for this year's fiscal budget to introduce the "rescue market"..com.sg/News/China/Story20231128-1452698 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> It is best to" withdraw spicy ", cancel the restrictions on buying and selling buildings launched in the early years, and mention it for the sluggish property market.Vibration.

The major developers seemed to be a "Chunjiang Duck" in the past week. It was foreseeable that the property market was about to change, and they actively accelerated the deployment of its first -hand real estate.At present, Hong Kong has high expectations for fiscal budgets. If the budget does not "withdraw", it will hit market confidence.But once "withdrawal", I am afraid that the property price will rebound quickly, resulting in some of the need for Hong Kong people in need.

Chen Maobo published a blog on Sunday (February 25) just passed on Sunday (February 25), publishing a photo of the printed book of this year's fiscal budget. The cover color is the "morning light color" between yellow and orange.According to Chen Maobo, the economy of Hong Kong this year is expected to gradually improve. He hopes that the operating environment of all walks of life will continue to improve. The cover color of the printed book printed by the fiscal budget this year reflects this expectation.Chen's remarks have aroused the new hope of some Hong Kong people for future economic prospects.But in all fairness, the Hong Kong Government is not small to promote economic acceleration this year.

The economic development of Hong Kong has always rely on two pillar support.One is the economic and trade between foreign countries; the second is the rapid development of China's economy.In the past year, Hong Kong has gone out of the epidemic, but the game between China and the United States has become increasingly fierce. Hong Kong must not only maintain national security and attract foreign capital. The balance in it is not easy to grasp.The geopolitical situation continues to be tight and still dominates the prospects of Hong Kong's economy this year.

On the other hand, .In 2003, Shas was raging, and Hong Kong quickly walked out of the valley relied on the central policy.After a lapse of 20 years, the previous prescriptions are no longer applicable.Especially last year, China's economy encountered rare growth slowdown in nearly 40 years.The structural problems over the years have been gradually resolved this year, and it may not have enough resources to support Hong Kong.

For example, Beijing official last Saturday (February 24) announced that it would increase Xi'an and Qingdao as a "personal tour" city to Hong Kong and Macao for the mainland, which has a certain degree of boosting the Hong Kong tourism industry.However, the consumption capacity of residents in the two new cities is average, and its contribution to Hong Kong's economy is actually quite limited.

Moreover, the "gift" of the central government this time is not as expected by Hong Kong people, covering the "one signing and multi -line" to relax the mainland cities and the improvement of the tax exemption of mainland residents who have been frozen for many years, reflectingAt present, the city must protect itself before saving Hong Kong.

In short, the economic and social conditions of Hong Kong and mainland China are different from 2003.While Hong Kong's fiscal budget announced on Wednesday, while relieving the predicament of the people, it has gradually resumed the government's income and expenditure, and accelerated the economy, which tested the wisdom of the Hong Kong government.