The New Year's Eve (December 31, 2023), a number of tourists in mainland China, went to Hong Kong to watch the New Year. After that, many people chose to return to the mainland that day, but due to the insufficient transportation facilities, a large number of Luke was late at night.Forced to stay on the streets of Hong Kong.The Hong Kong Government announced on Tuesday (January 2) that it will discuss the time to extend the customs clearance of the two places with the mainland government.

After Hong Kong resumed last year, the number of travelers visiting Hong Kong has not been ideal.The official has actively promoted, including the largest and most long -lasting Victoria -Hong Kong New Year's fireworks show in Hong Kong in the past New Year's Eve.About 270,000 passengers visited Hong Kong on the day. Based on a single -day calculation, it was the highest number since 2023.

The ports connecting Shenzhen and Hong Kong are currently only Huanggang / Luo Mazhou Port for maintaining a night customer inspection service. However, there is no railway connection at the port.

After the countdown and fireworks music performances, a large number of passengers returned to the mainland.Due to the surge in passenger volume, insufficient transportation facilities, and road closure, even if the bus company plus vehicles to guide the crowd, the traffic on the Huanggang / Luimazhou Port has extended to Xintian Highway, and some passengers lined up for a few hours and failed to get on the bus.

Some netizens carry photos and videos on the streets on the streets of Xiaohong's platform. Many people sit outside the store to rest. McDonald's is also like becoming a "refugee camp".Stand and wait.Many netizens have issued a document to criticize Hong Kong for bad arrangements, saying that they are inadequate to pass the bus, and the 24 -hour customs clearance port is insufficient, and even threatened that "will not come again in the future."

Relevant departments of the Hong Kong Government will hold a meeting with representatives of the Tourism Development Bureau, MTR, KMB, etc., and hold a meeting with the transportation industry.Chen Guoji, the director of the Department of Administration, said after the meeting, "Scriptures, long one wisdom", the official will strengthen coordination and deployment in three major aspects in the future, including in the future if it is expected to attract a large number of passengers to visit Hong Kong, the Hong Kong government will hold senior executives in advanceLarge -scale activities pass the traffic arrangements for overall planning meetings, hosted by him to strengthen coordination and coordination of various departments and industries, and make early deployment.

Chen Guoji said that the Hong Kong Government will also actively discuss different plans with relevant mainland departments to guide passengers returning to the mainland from Hong Kong in a short period of time, including the opening time of the railway port on the day when large -scale events holding large -scale events, and corresponding strengthening to strengthen accordinglyRailway services between the two places.Hong Kong will also discuss with the mainland to increase the number of ports by 24 hours.Finally, the Hong Kong Government will also study how to optimize traffic arrangements to facilitate cross -border buses.

Cui Dingbang, director of the Hong Kong Tourism Promotion Association, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that a large number of land customers stayed in Hong Kong in the early morning of New Year's Day. It was just individual incidents. Visitors generally satisfied in Hong Kong's New Year's Eve.image of.

But Cui Dingbang said that there is only one 24 -hour clearance port in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, which is not enough.He believes that the Shenzhen Bay Port is also suitable for studying 24 -hour customs clearance, because the port has a complete cross -border and public buses network and Dushi services to connect Shenzhen's most prosperous region.