The Hong Kong Yuanlang Ruihua Community Care Team operating group, which was established for about three months, recently decided to terminate the service, which is the first case after the establishment of the Hong Kong Care Team.Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao responded on Tuesday (January 9) that those who intend to run for the district parliament but do not meet the conditions should inspect why they can not be supported by the nominee or voters.The purpose of seeking positions is not a candidate for government hopes.

Comprehensive Hong Kong 01 News and Sing Tao Daily reported that when Li Jiachao attended the meeting on Tuesday, he pointed out that the Care Team is an important organization in Hong Kong. The government provides subsidies to the Care Team.Community residents and people in need provide the best service.

Li Jiachao said that more than 400 teams in the 18th and 400 teams have a total of about 5,000 people, and they operate well.He hopes that members are committed to providing services and full of enthusiasm. They do not want some people who do not take priority to participate. I believe that more enthusiastic and dedicated Hong Kong people will join the team.

The Kuanglang Ruihua Community Care Team's operating group was established for about three months to decide to terminate the service.Zhou Yongqin, Captain and Yuan Lang's former member of the Yuanlang, explained during the interview that because he did not receive the "blessing" to run for the district council, he lost his post, and his resources were not enough to cope with the care team expenses.He also revealed that some people advised him to continue its operation, but he still decided to withdraw from the "silent protest" and planned to withdraw from politics.

The Hong Kong Civil Affairs Department responded to the media inquiry that it was notified by the Yuhua Care Team as soon as possible by receiving the Ruihua Care Team by receiving it.The Rui Ai Caring Team is concurrently served.After investigating the information, the captain was Tang Dejun, a member of the Democratic Continuing Yuen Long District Committee of Democratic Construction.

The Care Team of Yuen Long Ruihua District won the bid on September 28 last year, becoming an operating group. The service scope includes Tianhua Village Huasai, Huayou Building, Ruilong Building of Tianrui Village, and Ruisheng TowerThe service requirements include visiting residents and providing home maintenance cleaning services such as home maintenance and cleaning. At the same time, a series of activities must be held for two years.