The National Development and Reform Commission of China proposes to optimize the market access environment, and study the elimination or relaxation of the qualification requirements, shareholding ratio, industry access and other restrictions on Hong Kong and Macao investors.

According to the China News Agency, the Development and Reform Commission announced on Monday (December 25) to announce the three -year operation plan for the international first -class business environment of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area (hereinafter referred to as the action plan).

Action plan proposes the main goals: After three years of effort, the business environment system system that is connected with the rules of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area is basically established.The business environment of the chemical business has reached the world -class level, the market vitality and social creativity are fully released, the level of market interconnection is significantly improved, the ability to gather and allocate various resource elements in the world is significantly enhanced, and the international competitiveness of the business environment ranks at the forefront of the world.

With this target, the action plan clarifies a series of specific measures.For example, in optimizing the market access environment, the unreasonable conditions for the establishment of cross -regional operations and migration of enterprises; in terms of maintaining fair competition market order, promoting the in -depth implementation of fair competition policies in the Mainland in the Greater Bay Area, and entering foreign investment admission accessThe fields outside the negative list clean up and cancel the differentiated treatment of Hong Kong and Macao enterprises in terms of bidding and bidding, government procurement, and protection of equity.


Action Plan also requires in -depth implementation of the "Bay Area" project to accelerate the improvement of market integration.These include further optimizing the customs clearance process and operating methods, and implement new models such as "one place, two inspections", "cooperation inspection, and one release" at the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Australian ports, and combined with actual needs to promote the implementation of "24 hours of 24 hoursClearance".

The interconnection of the financial market will also steadily advance.The action plan mentioned that the "south direction" of the "bond pass" is done to promote the two -way opening up of the bond market.Explore the regional pilots in the Greater Bay Area to pilot cross -border credit cooperation, establish the mutual recognition mechanism of Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao credit product acquisition products, and enhance the capacity of cross -border financing credit services.

In addition, in order to promote cross -border convenience practice and industry standards, the action plan clearly optimizes the optimization of Hong Kong and Macao professionals in the professional title application review mechanism in the Greater Bay Area, and study in some key areas to promote the convenience of Hong Kong and Macao professional talents in the Greater Bay Area conveniencePractice.