The end of the year, many places have selected a Chinese character representing 2023, such as , Malaysia chose" expensive ", Japan selected" tax ", and Taiwan chose" lack ".However, in Hong Kong, there have been no movements in the local government of the largest local party, which have been holding this event.

Looking at the information, the Democratic Construction Federation has held the "Hong Kong Annual Chinese Character Selection" activity since 2013. It is hoped that citizens will observe and reflect on the current situation of social conditions through activities.In the selection activity last year, the most Hong Kong people voted to choose the word "pass", making "Tong" a Chinese character in Hong Kong in 2022.

According to the analysis of the Federation of Democratic Construction, the meaning of "passing" is unblocked and cleared.During the three -year crown disease, Hong Kong and mainland China almost cut off, and family reunification and business activities were greatly affected.The "Tong" word on the list reflects that citizens are looking forward to landing in Hong Kong.

However, many people in Hong Kong society have always questioned the credibility of this activity. The reason is that according to the activity mechanism, netizens must choose among the dozen candidate Chinese characters provided by the DAB, instead of choosing a Chinese character themselves.What's even more, the Democratic Construction Federation has always been regarded as a political group of Beijing, and it is a very positive Chinese character to choose a very positive energy. It may not be able to reflect the real social situation.

So for many years, even if the DPP has been promoted and even provided a lottery to attract people to vote, this network selection is not very popular in the society.

But in any case, this annual Chinese character selection is still of great significance. People can not only look back at the social atmosphere and incidents in the past year through a simple word, but also can fight against them.The experience and mood in the year.This year, the Civil Construction Federation suddenly stopped holding a Chinese character selection activity, which made people feel that it was missing.

Overseas Hong Kong people who claim to pay attention to Cantonese inheritance are visible to this. Recently, they claimed to decide to organize this event online, so that Hong Kong people voted to use a word to represent their respective voices.

According to reports, each participant can vote through the website and choose a Chinese character, each person is limited to once.After the voting, the organization will choose the most voting Chinese characters, becoming a Chinese character representing 2023.The results will be announced on the last day of this year.

On the other hand, some Hong Kong Internet media also selected several popular Chinese characters by themselves a few days ago, saying that it would reflect the suffering of Hong Kong shareholders this year.In contrast, these Chinese characters are not so positive, such as "legacy" and "night".

The online media explained that the former was selected because the Hong Kong stocks were like a rainbow in the first half of this year, and the trend of the second half of the year was weak. The amount of the Hang Seng Index and the amount of new stocks were lost. The latest data showed that the total market value of the Hong Kong stock market has been surpassed by the Indian stock market.Mainland China has even described Hong Kong to become the "International Financial Center site".

As for the selection of the latter, because the Hong Kong economic recovery was slow after the epidemic, the Hong Kong Government launched the "A> "" "" "" I hope to improve the consumption atmosphere in the market.A series of night market activities have indeed stimulated the Hong Kong consumer market, but the specific economy is still difficult to estimate.

Unfortunately, the online media's selection of Chinese characters in Hong Kong only focuses on the economic field.If you want to choose a Chinese character that can represent the annual Chinese character of 2023, you may take a look at the major events in Hong Kong in the past year.

Politics, since Beijing promulgated the Hong Kong National Security Law and improved the election system, Hong Kong has begun to implement the "Patriot Governing Hong Kong" in recent years, successfully completed the Chief Executive and Legislative Council election, successfully stopped violence, and changed politicalEcology.At present, Hong Kong has entered the stage of "Zhi and Xun".

At the end of this year, the last mile of Hong Kong after walking through the new system- District Council election ,This is also the first district election after the implementation of the new election system.On the same day, the establishment of the system mobilized propaganda, and unprecedentedly "stood on the street washing the building" called for voting. Many voting Hong Kong people also expressed their hope that the district council would return to people's livelihood affairs.However, the result still set a record of the lowest voting rate since 1997. Indirectly shows that only the establishment of the system participated in the district selection, and the opposition was in the cup.If Hong Kong people are still torn politically this year, I believe that no many people will have objections.

In terms of society, after a three -year epidemic, Hong Kong people finally bid farewell to the haze of crown disease this year and launched a series of restoration activities.However, many people have changed their lifestyle because of the epidemic. After the epidemic clearance, a large number of Hong Kong people have been consumed in Shenzhen in the north of Shenzhen. The atmosphere in Hong Kong has not recovered, and the prospects have not been clear.

In terms of property market, after the fulfillment of Lu and Hong Kong's fully restore customs clearance at the beginning of this year, the Hong Kong property market once appeared "Xiaoyangchun", but the economic recovery speed after the epidemic was far inferior to expected.The attitude of the property market is still very cautious. The property market has continued to fall, which has reached a new low of more than six and a half years. The trend next year is confused.

Overall, Hong Kong was trapped in the vortex of the anti -repair incident in 2019, and the society appeared seriously.After three years of epidemic, Hong Kong has been restarted this year, but has not resumed vitality in terms of political, social and economic aspects. Some long -term contradictions across the economic and people's livelihood and political level have not yet left the dilemma of 2019.If you want to choose the Chinese character of the year in Hong Kong in 2023, you can use a "vast" character.