The Hong Kong Hospital Administration predicts that public hospitals will have a peak service demand in winter and say that if crown disease and influenza epidemic raging at the same time, public hospital services will be more tense than themselves.

Li Liye, the chief executive manager of the Hospital Authority, said on the program broadcast on Sunday (December 24), Hong Kong Business Radio, saying that the virus will become more active as the weather turns cold. I believe that the future will enter the virus in the future.The peak period of infection.

Li Liye pointed out that the positive ratio of the virus detection in the laboratory has a slight upward trend, and is worried that the risk of influenza and coronary virus transmission will increase in the first winter after the mask is lifted.

Li Liye admits that it is impossible to estimate at present. Which virus will spread well, but the bureau is ready to deal with it. When necessaryHospitals, accelerate the circulation of patients and make more beds.

For WHO JN.1, the virus strain of the coronary disease, as a monitoring strain, Li Liye quoted the literature that JN.1 did not induce more serious complications, nor did it constitute more cases of admission cases.EssenceHe also said that although JN.1 and the current mainstream XBB mutant strains are mutated from different mother plants, the existing XBB vaccine and antiviral drugs are still effective, and citizens need not worry.

The Hong Kong Department of Health Protection Center reported on Thursday (21st) that according to the sewage monitoring results, the XBB and its subsequent genealogy still accounted for more than 70%, while JN.1 accounted for about 15%of all virus strainsEssence

The Center for Health Protection also said that there is no evidence that JN.1 brings additional public health risks to the world, such as XBB and its descendants, such as XBB and its descendants.The overall risk is low, and it is said that the XBB vaccine is effective for JN.1.