Huang Jiahe, the president of the Hong Kong Catering Association, said that the overall business of the Hong Kong catering industry's Christmas Eve has fallen more than 10 % compared to the same day last year.

According to the Hong Kong Sing Tao Daily, the Huang family and Monday (December 25) said in the Hong Kong and Taiwan program, this year's Ping An Night is expected to be consumed by many Hong Kong people to travel north or outside travel, it is estimated that the industry as a wholeThe business volume was about HK $ 80 million (S $ 64.42 million), which was lower than the 430 million Hong Kong dollars on the same day last year, with a decline of more than 10 %.

The Huang family and estimation, many of the Hong Kong citizens who have exported to the country in the past two days have more consumer power, and although some people in Hong Kong have a good flow of people, the consumption is still poor. Among themThe situation of the restaurant is particularly obvious. If it is not for a banquet, "Satalkeeper business can talk about Mento Terrus" (Satalkeeper business can be said to be Menke Rakin).

The Huang family, especially now that Hong Kong people like to buy vegetables in the north, and even the cities and malls are very silent.

Cui Dingbang, the director of the Hong Kong Tourism Promotion Association, estimates in the same program that about one -third of Hong Kong people in this Christmas holiday go to mainland China or travel abroad.Before the level.

According to the data of the Hong Kong Entry Department, last Saturday (23rd) recorded more than 1.06 million people throughout the port and exit through various ports. It is the first time that Hong Kong has broke the million -person entry for the first time since the epidemic.More than 570,000 of them left Hong Kong to the mainland via land port, and Hong Kong residents accounted for 430,000.