Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao visited the market episode and called on the industry to think about thinkingHow to attract people to consume.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and Hong Kong 01 reported that the Li family went to Miaomiao Street Night Market and West Kowloon Christmas Market to inspect the situation of the night market.

Li Jiachao visited about five stalls on Miaojie. Some stall owners said that they felt very sudden about Li Jiachao's patriarch, and some stall owners felt his enthusiasm.

Li Jiachao told reporters that traveling and traveling during long holidays are the living habits of Hong Kong people, but more than 7 million people in Hong Kong have stayed in Hong Kong. Malls, markets, shops, etc. should think about how to attract them to consume.There are very ways in this regard, and I hope to work with all walks of life.