Shenzhen Supermarket Sam Member Store (also known as Sam Supermarket) has become a pilgrimage hotspot for Hong Kong people to consume in the north. There is a travel agency in Hong Kong to open the Sam Shopping Troupe while the hotspot is launched to bring Hong Kong people to the supermarket for a four -hour shopping war.

According to the Hong Kong media "Hong Kong 01" on Friday (December 22), Hong Kong licensed travel agencies recently held the first weekend Sam Shopping Group.Leaders, local tour guides, luxury tourist buss and two places ", adult group fees are 228 Hong Kong dollars (S $ 38), and children are 188 yuan.

Sam supermarket originally required to apply for membership in advance, each member can bring up to three adults to enter the venue.However, travel agencies said that when they arrived, they would not apply for members to ensure that they could be arranged.

According to the "Hong Kong 01" reporter observed with the regiment, the leader arranged for the local people with the local Sam members to wait outside the door, and then bring group friends to the venue in batches.After entering the Sam supermarket, Hong Kong people carrying large luggage boxes and hand -pickers in different corners.Juice beverages, porridge noodles, building block toys, and even daily laundry liquids, cleansing towels, slippers are all popular products purchased by Hong Kong people.

The reporter noticed that the Hong Kong people who participated in the delegation were very obtained. Each person spent 1,000 yuan (S $ 190) to thousands of yuan.

Participants are generally satisfied with the Sam Shopping Group.Some participants said that the price of Sam supermarket products is not much different from Hong Kong, but some products are not common in Hong Kong; some participants have said that they prefer to go to the scene and have a touch of shopping experience.

According to the data of the Hong Kong Entry Affairs Office, in October this year, the cumulative number of Hong Kong people went north to 5.35 million, a new high in a single month, and more than 200,000 people recorded on weekends.

根据港府统计处早年的数据,港人到广东省旅行,扣除跨界的交通费用后,平均每次的消费开支约为680港元(116新元),结合上述北上The number of people also calculates that Hong Kong people in October in Guangdong can be as high as HK $ 3.6 billion.