Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Office of the State Council of China on Friday (22nd), delivered a speech at the 10th anniversary celebration of the National Hong Kong and Macao Research Association.Lin Dingguo, director of the Hong Kong Department of Justice, said that Xia Baolong delivered important speeches on the issue of patriotism and Hong Kong, which is worth pondering, and said that patriotism and love Hong Kong are not the concept of slogans or nihn.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Hong Kong News reported that Lin Dingguo said that the patriotic and loveders must truly safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests; respect and maintain the fundamental system of the country and the constitutional order of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;Make every effort to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.Love and love Hong Kong cannot stay in emptiness, and must be proved through practice.Each person who ordered the country and love Hong Kong must think carefully about the role of the society and the background of the times in the society.

Deng Bingqiang, director of the Hong Kong Security Bureau, said that he deeply recognized Xia Baolong's speech.Safety, ensure that Hong Kong has a stable and secure environment, develops the economy, and allows citizens to live and work in peace.

The Democratic Construction Federation stated that Xia Baolong's speech content will be remembered and fully implemented, and said that they will continue to focus on the overall interests of Hong Kong and the country, and fully support the Chief Executive and the SAR government to govern and condense according to law and giving play to gathers giving play to gathered gathers.The power of all parties.The Legislative Council Member will continue to interact with the Government of the Special Administrative Region as before, and continuously improve the level of participation in politics.District councilors will also actively participate in regional governance and return to citizens' trust and support with practical actions.The DAB will also fully support and cooperate with the SAR government to complete the local legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law.