Zou Xingtong, former vice chairman of the Hong Kong Branch Association, was charged with the crime of inciting others under the Hong Kong National Security Law to subvert the state power. It has been repaid for more than two years.Rejected.

Comprehensive Ming Pao and online media "Hong Kong 01" and other reports. According to the case, the defendant Zou Xingtong (38 years old, a barrister) and the former chairman of the branch party Li Zhuoren and former vice chairman He Junren were charged with Hong Kong Guoan togetherAn subverter of the law subverts the crime of subverting state power.The crime of control pointed out that they incited others to organize, plan, implement or participate in the implementation of illegal means to subvert the state power in Hong Kong from July 1, 2020 to September 8, 2021, that is, overthrowing and destroying the People's Republic of ChinaThe fundamental system established by the People's Republic of China established by the Constitution, or overthrow the Central Government of the People's Republic of China.

Zou Xingtong's representative Zhang Yaoliang said that the prosecution used Zou Xingtong's participation, public speeches and published articles in the branch association, but the branch association was established for more than 30 years.Show the organization's related slogans is harmful to national security.Zou Xingtong himself does not belong to the local faction, nor does it advocate "Hong Kong independence".

Zhang Yaoliang revealed that Zou Xingtong intends to defend himself in the trial, hoping to summon Chinese constitutional experts as defense witnesses.Zou Xingtong did not have a good chance to communicate with the witness in prison, hoping to be released on bail.

Chen Qingwei, a judge of the Hong Kong National Security Law, said that after listening to Zou Xingtong on behalf of the lawyer, Chen Xingtong said that with the behavior and remarks of Zou Xingtong, there is no reason to believe that she will no longer perform harmful national security behaviors, soRejecting her bail application.

Chen Qingwei also revoked the restrictions on the reporting of bail content in the court, and revealed that the trial is expected to start in the second half of next year.