In recent years, global warming has continued, and some of the previous abnormalities have become "new normal" today.For example, in mid -December this year, the weather is still quite warm, and the temperature has been hovering at about 30 degrees Celsius.Stepping into last Sunday (December 17), the weather turned cold, and the lowest temperature was only 11 degrees.

On the same day, Li Jiachao, the Chief Executive of the SAR, arrived in Beijing in this year's coldest day this year. One of the highlights was to report the latest situation in Hong Kong's economic, social and political aspects to the Chinese official on Monday.How the central government evaluates the performance of the "Patriot Governing Hong Kong" and especially the SAR Government in recent years, and has become the focus of attention from all walks of life in Hong Kong.

After the anti -repair storm in 2019, the political situation in Hong Kong is upside down.Beijing first formulated the Hong Kong National Security Law, and then tightened the Hong Kong election system in March 2021 to cooperate with the implementation of "comprehensive governance power" and the governance of the patriots.

On September 20 of the same year, the first election committee election after Hong Kong held the "Improve Election System".The members of the Election Commission are eligible to vote for the Chief Executive. The elections have always been regarded as the outpost of the Chief Executive Election.Democrats once obtained more than four points during the peak, and became the "king maker" that affected the chief executives.

However, under the new election system, the number of voters of the election committee has reduced from more than 240,000 to less than 8,000 in the previous session.After the election, most of the new election committees are members of Beijing, and only one outside is a member of the non -building.

On December 19 of the same year, Hong Kong quickly entered the second election since the election system, the Legislative Council election.The election results are also as expected by the outside world. The establishment factions have won a lot of victory under the lack of democracy. The 90 new members of the Legislative Council are all in -organizers.

By May 8, 2022, Hong Kong held the 6th Chief Executive Election.Li Jiachao, the only candidate who is regarded as a loyal executive of Beijing's policy, won the Hong Kong Chief Executive with an ultra -high vote rate of 99.2%.This is the third important election activity after Hong Kong improved the election system.

From the election of the Election Commission, the Legislative Council election to the Chief Executive Election, the political ecology of Hong Kong has continued to change.在今年12月10日即刚刚过去的区议会选举,It is the last puzzle of Beijing's "Improve the Hong Kong Election System".With the closing of the four large -scale elections, it means that the reshaping of the "Patriotic Governing Hong Kong" system has finally been temporarily in a stage, and Hong Kong will only have new elections in two years as soon as possible.

Since the return of Hong Kong, the two camps of democratic and institutional factions have been struggling, and political chaos has not stopped for many years.Generally speaking, the Hong Kong Government in the past three years can be said to have fulfilled their homework in implementing the principle of "Patriotic Governing Hong Kong".In the hands of the "Patriot", becoming the goalkeeper of the political system, it will help Hong Kong no longer appear similar to anti -repair in 2019.

Taking the Legislative Council as an example, some democratic radicals have entered the parliament through elections over the past ten years and continued to pull cloth in the Lido Hall. Many important matters have been dragged on the hind legs and they can do not do much.The new election system allows all oppositions to go out and help the government seek development.

In 2023, the chairman of the Hong Kong Legislative Council Liang Junyan described it when he summarized the second meeting of the current Legislative Council last week.It has passed a number of proposals that are beneficial to people's livelihood and benefit the society.As he said, under the principle of implementing the "Patriotic Governance of Hong Kong", in recent years, the Hong Kong Parliament has been able to propose politics and politics pragmatic and efficiently.

As for the district council, as a regional consultation organization, it is an important bridge for residents of various districts to communicate with the government.In the past period, the opposition has continuously used the district council platform to speculate in political issues, which drag regional governance.This district parliamentary election has completely excluded these forces outside, and it is also expected to change the chaos of "pan -politics" in the region over the years.

The official Li family who met his job in Beijing on Monday, who met his job on Monday, praised him for leading the Hong Kong government in the past year, firmly safeguarding national security, consolidating Hong Kong from chaos to governance, and promoting the governance.Overall, the central government fully affirmed the performance of the current SAR government and the "Patriotic Governance" governance model in recent years.

However, although the new political system in Hong Kong has guaranteed Beijing's comprehensive governance power and safeguard national security, at the new stage of entering the governance and Xingxing, there are still many fields that require the Hong Kong government to further further followReflection and improvement, the future task is still long -term.

The first is the "minimum standard" of governors at all levels of Hong Kong.From the perspective of the implementation of the past few years, Hong Kong's political talents are currently seriously inadequate. Political figures standing on the front line lack the ability to govern and discuss politics. In the long run, Hong Kong will be difficult to establish good governance.In the future, the Hong Kong Government must also cultivate and absorb governance talents in the future.

The second is that since the introduction of the "Patriotic Governing Hong Kong", the opposition has no existence, and the society has also lacked the power of supervising the government.Entering the new era, how to make the citizens supervise the "patriot" doing practical things and play a role in serving the citizens, which is also a question that the Hong Kong government needs to think about.