(Hong Kong / Beijing Comprehensive News) The founder of Li Zhiying, the founder of the first media law that was charged with the Hong Kong National Security Law on Monday trial, and the US and British government issued a statement that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government immediately released Li Zhiying.The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized that the US and Britain's move was "naked political manipulation and a 100 % dual standard."

Comprehensive Network Media "Hong Kong 01" and Radio Hong Kong reported that three companies related to Li Zhiying and former Apple Daily were charged and colluded with foreign forces. On Monday (December 18), they were tried in the West Kowloon Court of Hong Kong.This is the first interrogation of Hong Kong's first crime to collude with foreign forces. It is expected to take 80 days in the trial process.

Li Zhiying has three crimes in control, including two skewers to collude with foreign or overseas forces to harm national security crimes, as well as a crime of publishing, publishing, inviting offering, distribution, display or replication of incitement publications.Among them, the highest crime involving the National Security Law can be sentenced to life imprisonment, and the maximum prison is sentenced to two years.

One of the three companies listed as the defendant, including Apple Daily Co., Ltd., Apple Daily Printing Co., Ltd. and Apple Daily Network Co., Ltd..Xie Chuanzhuo, publishing, inviting sale, distribution, display, or replication of incitement publications.

During the trial on the day, Li Zhiying seemed to be thinner than before. He used his headphones to listen to the content of the trial, but his mental state was good.Persons from the United States, Britain, New Zealand, Canada, Switzerland and Australian Consulate all attended the interrogation.

Li Zhiying was arrested in violation of the National Security Law in 2020. At the same time, six Apple Daily and One Chuan Media were arrested.Li Zhiying is the only defendant in the case, and the other six of the other six have been convicted in 2022.The three related companies of One Media did not plead guilty.

Britain and the United States requires the release of Li Zhiying's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Political Manipulation

Before the case was started, a US State Department spokesman Miller issued a statement on the official website on Sunday to condemn Hong Kong officials to the prosecution and trial of Li Zhiying.The statement states that the freedom circulation of pressing the freedom of the press and restricting information, as well as the Beijing and Hong Kong Government's change of the Hong Kong election system, reducing direct selection and eliminating candidates for freedom and universal owner party, "weakening the status of Hong Kong democratic agencies, but also the status of Hong Kong's democratic agencies, but also the status of Hong Kong's democratic agencies.It damages Hong Kong's reputation as an international business and financial center. "

The British Foreign Minister Cameron also issued a statement on the same day, stating that the Hong Kong National Security Law seriously eroded human rights and freedom, which made opposition to the sound, and obviously violated the Sino -British joint statement.He urged China to abolish the Hong Kong National Security Law and call on the Hong Kong Government to stop prosecution and release Li Zhiying.

In this regard, Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responded at a regular conference on Monday that the United States and Britain said that the case that entered the judicial procedure was three and four, which seriously violated the spirit of the rule of law, seriously violated the principles of international law and the basics of international relations.The guidelines, China resolutely opposed it.

Wang Wenbin said that the Chinese central government has firmly supported the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to maintain national security in accordance with the law, punish criminal acts that endangers national security, and "will not succeed" to slandering and disrupting the Hong Kong National Security Law.