The first district council election after the Hong Kong Reform Election System, 30 % , but the Chief Executive Li Jiachao emphasized that there were 1.2 million people voted for the new selection. He was satisfied with the number of voters and believed that this proved that citizens supported the SAR government and new selection.

Li Jiachao met the media before attending the Executive Assembly on Tuesday (December 12) that the selection of the district was successfully held, and the media mentioned from time to time, but he believed that the district members should be produced by the district selection plan.He emphasized that the new district councilor is more in line with the requirements, and the new district council is not the same. It is constructive without destructiveness and will not exclude one country with two systems.

Li Jiachao also said that he was satisfied with nearly 1.2 million voters. The official will later announce the new district councilor's performance supervision mechanism to prevent them from being lazy and affected, and ensure that they work hard to serve the citizens.

He said, I believe that the new district council can do practical things for the people's livelihood. "The new district councilors are patriots, and they will not be foreign agents.Focus on regional and people's livelihood affairs, do practical and cooperate with government governance, so that government policies can be implemented to regions. "

The new district council after Hong Kong has four ways of composition, including appointment, inter -selection, direct election, and 27, of course, with a total of 470.The Hong Kong Government held a direct election of the District Council and other elections in the district council just in the past Sunday (December 10th), respectively, and 88 direct elections and 176 candidates were selected.

The Hong Kong Government also announced the list of 179 district council members on Tuesday, including many former district councilors, current district councilors, members of the caring team, educational people and ethnic minorities.

The Hong Kong Government pointed out that in accordance with the principle of employment and talent, according to the district conditions and development needs of various local administrative districts, considering community representativeness and connection with regional, and the patriotic and love Hong Kong people who appoint the ability and quality of the appointment and quality are appointed members.Officials emphasize that most of the new appointed members are young and middle -aged, and the social class, sectors, and professional distribution are balanced, which fully shows the five colors of the next district council.

One of the appointed members is Xu Xiaojie, a current member of Kwai Tsing District.He said that he did not run a direct election this year, and he would face fierce competition as considering that he was running with an independent candidate.But even if it turns into appointment, the original intention of serving the citizens will remain unchanged.He believes that the appointment of district councilors is more extensive and can deal with regional issues more macro.

Liu Zhaojia, a consultant of the National Hong Kong and Macau Research Association, believes that in an interview with the United Morning Post, the Hong Kong government's list of appointed members of the appointed members marked the successful end of the district council election of the new election method.In addition to consolidating the "patriotic governance of Hong Kong" this year, the district also returned to the original intention of the original design of the district council, that is, the regional consulting agency led by the government.Different voices can reflect different social opinions to the government.

Liu Zhaojia said that the vital interests of the district council and the citizens are closely related. If the district council does well in regional governance, it will help enhance the recognition of the Hong Kong government in the minds of the citizens. "Therefore, in addition to cooperating with the government in the futureTo serve the area, it is also necessary to do a good job of affection, which may become one of the work standards for district councilors.