Two autonomous developed passenger aircraft C919 and ARJ21 on Tuesday (December 12) landed on the afternoon of Hong Kong International Airport, staying for six days, and the first visit to Hong Kong for Chinese domestic passenger planes.

Comprehensive Network Media "Hong Kong 01" and Hong Kong Zhongtong News reported that flight flight websites show that C919 and ARJ21 take off at around 11:30 on Tuesday and take off from Shanghai Pudong Airport at about 2 pm to Hong Kong InternationalThe airport and the airport were held to welcome.

The Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department and the Airport Administration will hold a welcome ceremony for C919 and ARJ21 on Wednesday (13th) in the morning of Wednesday (13th). Chief Executive Li Jiachao will be guests.

Two self -developed passenger planes in mainland China visits Hong Kong, which are jointly organized by the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Department and the Hong Kong Machinery Authority. This is the first time that the C919 passenger plane visits the city outside the mainland.During the visit to Hong Kong, the C919 and ARJ21 will be moored at the Hong Kong International Airport for static display, arranging representatives invited overseas and Hong Kong aviation industry, as well as representatives of young groups and regional organizations to visit the plane.

C919 and ARJ21 passenger planes to visit Hong Kong activities is another highlight of the flight demonstration activities carried out on Saturday (16th) from about 10.30 to 11 am.If the weather is permitted on the day, the C919 passenger plane will take off from the Hong Kong International Airport at about 10.30 am, then enter from west to east, fly over Victoria, and soar around the Hong Kong Island two laps.

On the afternoon of the same day, the Chinese COMAC's representative will be invited to meet with the youth's headquarters to share the knowledge and development of two passenger planes of C919 and ARJ21.Two passenger planes returned to Shanghai in the afternoon of Sunday (17th).