After the implementation of the new election system in Hong Kong, the first district council election voting rate was 27.54%, and more than 1.193 million voters voted.Tan Yaozong, former Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Congress and vice chairman of the National Hong Kong and Macau Research Association on Tuesday (December 12), said that the number of votes is reasonable. Generally speaking, the number of voting in the district council is slightly lower than that of the Legislative Council.Many voters may have left Hong Kong on the day, and the people believe that the society is calm and lower the voting intention.

According to the Sing Tao Daily, there are about 22,000 waste votes for the election, reaching 1.85%, Tan Yaozong stated on the radio program that the new election system uses a double seat single ticket system.Covering more than one seal causes the votes to be invalid.He said that this time is the first district selection under the new system, and the government must vigorously promote and educate citizens.

When asked about the voting of the district's parliament is a new low, Tan Yaizong believes that it is still a reasonable scope without excessive interpretation.He also mentioned the problem of choosing a computer system in the government district, and said whether it was a low -level error or a high -level error. He hoped that there would be an answer three months later. The government summarized experience and lessons from it.

The first district council election on Sunday (10th) after the implementation of the new election system in Hong Kong was over. The local direct election voting rate of this year was only 27.54%, which was 43 percentage points from 71.23%in 2019.Compared with the 2015 district selection, it is 19 percentage points less.

In addition, two hours before the deadline of the voting, the electronic voter registration book used to send voters in voters failed, causing voters to be unable to vote.Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao expressed great importance and asked the Election Management Committee to set up a special investigation team and submit an investigation report within three months.