The official data released by China shows that the number of Chinese marriage has continued to decrease in recent years. Last year, the number of Chinese first marriage fell by 9.16%, which is the first time that the number of Chinese first marriage has been less than 11 million for many years.

The First Financial Sunday (November 19) quoted the China Statistics of the National Statistics of China 2023 that the number of Chinese first marriage in 2022 was 1.05176 million, a decrease of 1.06 million from 2021.It is equivalent to a decrease of 9.16%.

From the perspective of data over the years, 2013 was the highest peak of China's first marriage, reaching 23.859 million, and then continued to fall.From 2013 to 2022, the number of first marriage in China fell by 55.9%.

Marriage registration data includes the number of first -marriage and the number of remarriage. Compared with the number of remarriage, the relationship between the number of first -marriage and the population is more closely.

From the perspective of the age structure of the wedding population, China's marriage age, especially the age of the first marriage, is postponed significantly.According to the Chinese population census year, the average first marriage age in China in 2020 was 28.67 years, an increase of 3.78 years from the average first marriage age (24.89 years) in 2010.

Reporting analysis, last year, the number of first marriage in China was less than 11 million, and there were many factors such as decreased marriage, delayed first marriage age, and changes in the concept of marriage and love.As the post -95s and even after 00 entered the marriage stage, the number of young people in the marriage age is also declining.

Dong Yu, a special researcher at the Population Expert and the Special Researcher of the Guangdong Provincial Government, analyzes that many young people in China do not want to get married. There are many factors, including the stability of marriage in real life, which affects the youngPeople's longing for marriage; the view of the marriage of young people has changed, and many people no longer take marriage and fertility as a compulsory course in life; as well as the rise in marriage costs in real life.