(Ottawa Comprehensive News) Canadian media reported that the Canadian Stapford, who had been arrested in China for nearly three years, was seeking compensation from the Canadian government, claiming that he was arrested because he accidentally provided the Canadian government with related related to the Canadian government.North Korea's information.

The Canadian Global Post quoted two sources on Saturday (November 18) that Michael Spavor said that he shared information with Michael Kovrig, but he did not know that the information would be expelledSeding to the Canadian government and Canadian five -eye information partners.Sparford believes that Kang Mingkai's intelligence work has caused the two to be arrested in China.

In the 2018 Canada's 2018 extradition order, Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested, China arrested Sparford and Kang Mingkai for espionage.

It is reported that Sparver's Korean language fluent is one of the few Westerners who have seen North Korean leader Kim Jong -un and one of the friendship with him.Kang Mingkai served as a global security report plan (GSRP) at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing.

On the same day when Meng Wanzhou regained his freedom in September 2021, the Chinese government released Sipver and Kang Mingkai.The Canadian government has always denied that the two have participated in spy activities.

Reports quoted sources that Sipffer's lawyer is negotiating with officials of the Canadian government, hoping to receive millions of Canadian dollars as compensation.But an unnamed Canadian official said that the arrest of the Chinese government was "completely arbitrary" and was not caused by "one person's behavior to another".