中国国家主席习近平强调,亚太不能也不应该The corner field of a geopolitical game cannot be performed in the new cold war and camp confrontation, and said that China is still the largest engine in the world.

According to China CCTV news report, Xi Jinping delivered a written speech to the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperative Industrial and Commercial Leaders Summit in San Francisco on the morning of November 16, local time.

Xi Jinping emphasized that we must adhere to the way of communicating with the country and the country that does not fight against each other, and do not associate with alliances, and maintain the prosperity and stability of the Asia -Pacific.It is necessary to adhere to open regionalism, unswervingly promote the process of the Asia -Pacific Free Trade Zone, promote the integration of economic linkage between countries, and build a win -win open Asia -Pacific economy.

Xi Jinping said that it is necessary to promote digital, intelligent, and green transformation and development, strengthen scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, work together to improve global scientific and technological governance, create openness, fairness, and fairness, Non -discriminated technology development environment.

He emphasized that China is still the largest engine in the world. China has the advantages of the socialist market economy, the advantages of the large -scale market, the complete supply advantage of the industrial system, a large number of high -quality workers and enterprisesThe talent advantage of the home, the economic development has strong endogenous power, toughness, and potential.The fundamental fundamentals of China's economy have not changed for a long time.

Xi Jinping said: "We have confidence, more capable of achieving long -term stable development, and continuously bring new motivations and opportunities for the world with China's new development."

He also emphasizes, China insists on opening up the door to build, unswervingly promotes high -level openness to the outside world, and determines to build a marketization, rule of law, and international business environment will not change. Typhoons will not change the policies for providing high -quality services for foreign investment.