Zhang Guoqing, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and vice premier of the State Council, was appointed by Xi Jinping, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China.The accident rescue and emergency response work, and said that the Security Council of the State Council was listed and supervised.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Zhang Guoqing immediately rushed to the coal mines after arriving, and entered the fire office building to check the accident scene to understand the accident process and rescue disposal;The Party Central Committee and the State Council visited the injured and instructed the medical staff to rescue them all and condolences to the fire rescue team.

Zhang Guoqing hosted a meeting that night to listen to the reports of the rescue and rescue of Shanxi Province, Luliang City and relevant departments, and study and deploy the next step.

He pointed out that Xi Jinping was very concerned about the accident. During his abroad visit, he immediately made important instructions to make clear requirements for the treatment of wounded treatment, aftercare appeasement, accident investigation and hidden danger investigation.Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang also made instructions to arrange and deploy rescue treatment and aftercare work.

Zhang Guoqing said that it is necessary to organize medical experts and advanced medical equipment so that every wounded can get scientific treatment and careful care, and do their best to treat the wounded and reduce casualties.To set up the family members of the casualties with feelings, release relevant information in time, and actively respond to social concerns.

He emphasized that it is necessary to carry out accident investigations and deal with the accident.Consium and regulations in accordance with laws and regulations.

Zhang Guoqing emphasized that all regions and relevant departments and units should deeply learn the lessons of the accident, alert the alert, strengthen the bottom line thinking and risk awareness, pay close attention to the implementation of the safety responsibility measures at the grassroots level, eliminate safety managementDead corners blind spots, consolidating the foundation of security development.

He also said that it is necessary to combine the characteristics of winter fires and other accidents to keep aware of key industries such as coal mines, fire protection, gas, etc., investigate and rectify hidden dangers of various safety risks, and conduct professional investigations that are directly inserted on -site.Grasp the real situation of safety production, strongly rectify the hidden risks discovered, resolutely prevent and curb the occurrence of serious accidents, effectively maintain the safety of the lives and property of the people, and create a safe and stable environment for the high -quality development of the economy and society.

A fire broke out on Thursday morning in a coal industry in Shanxi Province. At present, 26 people have been killed and 38 were injured.After the accident, Xi Jinping made instructions that he asked the injured to fully treat the injured, do a good job in the aftermath of the casualties and his family members, to find out the cause as soon as possible, and to be held accountable seriously.

Li Qiang also made instructions, requiring to hurry up and rescue the loss of contact personnel, fully treat the wounded, minimize the casualties, properly do the relevant aftermath work, and at the same time to find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible, and deal with it seriously according to law and regulations.It is necessary to strengthen fire safety management in one and three, strictly investigate the hidden dangers of production safety in key industries, and resolutely prevent the occurrence of major special accidents.