A family of financial difficulties in China who has been aid in China has been exposed to have Apple brand products and also bought a concert ticket of more than 1,500 yuan.After investigation, the school believed that the college student's life was not frugal, excessive consumption, and terminated the student's student aid issuance.

Comprehensive news and Phoenix.com reported on Wednesday (November 15) that some netizens posted posts at Sun Yat -sen University, saying that a special student of the School of Nuclear Nuclear Engineering and Technical College used AppleThe series of four -piece set, and also bought the Wang Jiaer concert ticket worth 1517 yuan (RMB 289).

Four -piece Apple series generally refers to the four products: Apple's mobile phones, computers, tablets and watches.

The Student funding management center of Sun Yat -sen University reported on the WeChat public account that night. During the inspection, it was found that the student had a behavior of not being frugal and excessive consumption, and decided to terminate the student's school -aid issuance.

However, the management center emphasized that the student "was identified as the identification procedure of family economic difficulties and complete materials, and complied with relevant regulations."