中美元首时隔一年后,于星期三(November 15th) meeting in San Francisco in the United States, both officials described this meeting for more than four hours and more than 100 years of history with "frankness and constructiveness".Beijing also affirmed the San Francisco meeting with "positive, comprehensive, and in -depth", and believes that San Francisco should be a new starting point for stabilizing Sino -US relations.

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San Francisco meeting was held in the seemingly .Biden not only invited Chinese officials to take a walk in the Fluri Manor, but also sent the Chinese official to the car to say goodbye after the meeting, but also asked the Chinese official's wife Peng Liyuan to convey the birthday wishes.Biden also repeatedly emphasized that he has met with Chinese officials for many years and calls China "competitors" instead of opponents.

After the first conference of the Chinese and US dollars, it was announced that the restarting high -level communication meeting mechanism of the two armed forces was undoubtedly the iconic results of the San Francisco meeting, indicating that the two countries completely out of the diplomatic trough of Perlis, the former Speaker of the House of Representatives Perosi in August last year.Biden also said that when the crisis with Chinese officials agrees, they can directly call each other, and further increase the fence for bilateral relations at the head of the head of state; the two countries also agreed to strengthen dialogue cooperation in the fields of anti -drug and artificial intelligence to expand civil exchanges.

But in addition to these friendly and limited breakthroughs, the deep -rooted differences in China and the United States still exist. India -Pacific geopolitical games, Taiwan issues, and scientific and technological warfare have continued to inject uncertainty into bilateral relations.Mainland China and the Hong Kong stock market fell on Wednesday, which reflected the pessimism of investors to a certain extent, and was disappointed by the lack of major breakthroughs in the lack of "Xi -worship".

On the issue of Taiwan, at a press conference after the meeting of San Francisco, Biden only stated that he only reiterated from the Chinese official to the Chinese government's "one China" policy at the meeting and ignored the question of whether he promised to cooperate against Taiwan.It seems to intend to dilute the major hidden dangers between China and the United States.

But according to US officials, the officials of the Chinese officials emphasized that the United States did not accept the status quo of the Taiwan Strait unilaterally, and called on the Chinese PLA to restrain the military operations in the Taiwan Strait.The deterrent of attack requires Beijing to respect Taiwan's election procedures.

Chinese officials require the Bayeng government to explain that they do not support "Taiwan independence", stop armed Taiwan, and support China's peaceful unity.

Obviously, the Sino -US dollar meeting has not reached a consensus on the issue of Taiwan. It continues to confront each other and speak each other. Biden hopes to maintain the status quo and the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait; Chinese officials hope to solve the Taiwan issue without intervention in the United States.

In response to the upgrading of China's upgrade in the Indo -Pacific region and the South China Sea, Biden said at a press conference that the United States is better than saying that it not only organizes the US -Japan -India -Australian Sifang Safety Dialogue (QUAD), but also allows Australia to get new new.Submarines strengthen cooperation with the Philippines.

When the Sino-US dollar agreed with the two armies to restore exchanges, the US Defense Minister Austin met with the Philippine Defense Ministers in Jakarta on Wednesday and sent Joint Statement Criticizing Chinese ships to harass the Philippine Maritime Police in Renai Reef (Ayunjin Reef) last week, condemning China to take dangerous operations against US aircraft and ships in the South China Sea.

Austin also reiterated that Biden's defense commitment to the Philippines was "iron"; Mei Philippine Defense Director also said that he was committed to further exploring opportunities, strengthening bilateral operations and planning, including next year's military exercise and information sharing, and seeking "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "and" and "Volunteer partners expand multilateral activities, "indicating that the United States will continue to strengthen China by strengthening bilateral and multilateral military relations in Asia Pacific to jointly block China.

Bynden also called the Chinese official as a dictator at the press conference; although he immediately tried to explain that the identity of the Chinese official dictator was derived from the Chinese government, this remark was still destroyed to a certain extent at the friendly atmosphere at the friendly atmosphere.The end of the San Francisco meeting.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning did not name Wednesday and criticized Biden. It was irresponsible political manipulation. Beijing expressed his resolute opposition.

Although the Beijing meeting is qualitatively qualified for the San Francisco meeting as "an important meeting of explaining doubts for Sino -US relations, divergent management and control, and expanding cooperation", the Chinese official conference still throws out the question "Is China and the United States or partner?"It also refers to "this is a fundamental, and the general problem."

Chinese officials reminded the United States again when they delivered a speech at the United States friendly group jointly welcoming the dinner that if they regard each other as the most important competitors, the most significant geographical political challenges, and the threat of step -by -step pursuit, they will inevitably lead to wrong policies.Take error action to produce error results.

Bynden has not yet fundamentally adjusted its strategy to China, and continues to regard China as the biggest strategic competitors. It is obvious that through the San Francisco meeting, it has further added a guardrail for Sino -US relations.As the conflict between Ukraine and the Harbin, the United States does not want India to also have military friction at this time. The relationship between stability and Beijing is believed to be a slow plan.

Bynden believes that the Chinese leadership also needs to prioritize economic problems, so it shows a higher degree of coordination in stable bilateral relations.Whether the San Francisco meeting can truly stabilize Sino -US relations in the long run still needs to observe the game intensity of the two countries in the next few months.