Three leaders of Northern Myanmar, which are wanted by the Chinese public security organs, have been arrested and transferred to the Chinese public security organs, and another leader committed suicide according to the crime.

According to China CCTV News, with the strong cooperation of all parties of Myanmar, Ming Guoping, Mingjiku, and Ming Zhenzhen were successfully captured and transferred to the Chinese public security organs on Thursday (November 16).

The report quoted the report from the Consulate General of Myanmar in Kunming, saying that Myanmar organized the arrest of Ming Xuechang on Wednesday (15th) at night, and Ming Xuechang committed suicide.

The Chinese public security organs refer to the long -term organization of criminal groups led by Ming Xuechang to open a fraud crime den, publicly armed armed deficit, and implemented telecommunications network fraud criminal activities against Chinese citizens, and the amount of fraud was huge.It is reported that "under the high pressure of public security organs, they still do not converge and do not stop, and continue to organize illegal crimes, and are suspected of serious violence such as intentional homicide, intentional injury, illegal detention, etc."" ".

The Wenzhou public security organs in Zhejiang decided on the 12th to publicize the buns of the four important leaders of the four Myanmar Jokko Autonomous Region Telecom Crime Crime Group, the four Belief Autonomous Region Telecommunications Network Fraud Crime Group.The Chinese police conducted joint law enforcement with relevant departments of Myanmar government to arrest the suspects as soon as possible.

The relevant person in charge of the public security organs said that it will continue to keep an eye on the northern MIT of Telecom Network Fraud Crime Group, further promote the special blow operation, increase the arrest of the important heads of the North Myanmar fraud group, and resolutely maintain maintenanceThe safety and legitimate rights and interests of the lives of the people.

The public security organs also urged northern Myanmar to immediately stop all criminal activities, stop all acts that infringe on the safety of Chinese citizens' lives and property, and release all the suspects of all Chinese telecommunications network fraud as soon as possible.