(Tokyo Comprehensive News)The official and Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita reported that it was expected to meet during the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting.

According to the Japanese Yomiramate News, Kishida will attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in San Francisco on Thursday (November 16) and Friday (November 17).Essence

The Kyodo News Agency said on Thursday that the China -Japan government is in the direction of the two heads of the two countries in the direction of talks on November 16, local time in the United States, and continues to coordinate.

As of press time, Chinese officials have not confirmed the news that the Sino -Japanese leader will officially talk in San Francisco.

Kishida Wenxiong set off on Wednesday to go to San Francisco to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization Conference.Before going to the United States, he said to Nakinan Nasaki, the Gongming Party Party, who visited China a week later that he might hold a Japanese leader talks during the United States, and "hopes to create a chance of dialogue."

Sino -Japanese high -level is reportedly coordinated for San Francisco talks with the heads of the two countries in the near future.Director of the CPC Central Committee Foreign Affairs Office, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with a special consultant in Japan in Beijing on November 9th and the National Security Security Director.Akihamgen , the Japanese media reported that the two sides had achieved opinions on the Japanese leader talks at the time, but the news released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China has not been mentioned, and Japanese officials have not announced their progress.

China was originally the largest importer of Japan's seafood. However, after Japan launched the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station nuclear processing water into the Pacific Ocean, China announced that the import place of imported origin was Japanese aquatic products , and relations between the two countries have once again fallen into nervousness.

The Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) said that Kishida plans to comprehensively suspend the import of Japanese aquatic products in China during the talks, the issue of the islands (China Diaoyu Islands) in Jiaoge, Okinawa Prefecture/China/Story20231113-1449811 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _Blank> Searching the Japanese Incident The unreasonable issues of the two countries express Japan's claims.

In addition, Kishida also considers confirming with China that in the face of the joint topics of the two countries, it will cooperate with each other, maintain communication in the future, and hope that this will help the establishment of constructive and stable Japanese -China relations.

Japan -China leader last meeting last time in November last year, Chinese officials met in Bangkok, Thailand.